Bannon: Victory is at hand

A letter from prison


Former Trump chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon and War room host, is still a political prisoner of the Biden-Harris government.

On Friday, The National Pulse posted this letter from Steve Bannon, whom I consider a personal friend.

Thanks to the National Pulse, acknowledging that we have not obtained specific permission to repost.

DANBURY, Connecticut, September 26, 2024

Victory is at hand.

Recent shifts in the few reliable polls in key districts and swing states show that hard-pressed Americans are decisively rejecting the phony “politics of joy” and the empty promises that define the Harris campaign. People are seeing through the word salad rhetoric, recognizing it for what it is: hollow.

To date, the Harris campaign has offered no real solutions to the struggles Americans face: inflation, rising crime, and weakening national security. These topics can’t be masked by feel-good phrases, celebrity endorsements, or as many Oprah interviews as you want.

Harris has peaked. The momentum is now on our side, and this is the time to capitalize on it.

If the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement focuses all of its efforts on a massive get-out-the-vote and ballot-chasing effort in the crucial days and weeks until November 5th, we will win and win big.

The stakes have never been higher; this is the opportunity to take back control. We are not just fighting for a win; we are fighting for the future of America. A victory of this magnitude means sweeping control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency. With this trifecta, we can destroy the policies that have harmed Americans and put the country back on track.

The reality is that there is no significant group of “undecided” voters left regarding the candidates themselves. People know where they stand when it comes to President Trump and his opponents. What remains unclear for some is whether they will actually participate in the voting process.

These are the individuals who will decide this election. With relentless effort and personal contact, they will break our way. It’s our job to engage with them, ensure they understand what’s at stake, and motivate them to cast their ballots.

President Trump risks his life daily to save our country. Every day, he faces tremendous opposition and challenges, but he continues to fight for the American people.

Through your work, show him that you have his back. Let’s demonstrate our commitment to this cause by putting everything we have into these final weeks.

Remember: Victory is at hand.

Jill and I are about to board the plane from Tokyo (Haneda) to fly into Washington DC (Dulles), so that I can participate in the Rescue the Republic rally tomorrow. Pierre Kory, Robert Malone, and Senator Ron Johnson each are scheduled for three minutes (!), followed by the headliner Robert F Kennedy Jr!


The following is the text of my speech yesterday at the Japanese Parliament.


Building Resilience:  Countering Psychological Warfare for a Secure Future

Psychological Warfare (PsyWar- targeting the conscious mind) and Cognitive Warfare (targeting the unconscious mind) are components of modern Fifth Generation Warfare. 

Other fifth generation PsyWar technologies, tactics and strategies include weaponization of social media, advanced computational (algorithmic) censorship, “nudge” technology, bot and troll farms, crowd or gangstalking, control and corruption of previously independent mass media. These methods also include the business models of Disaster and Surveillance capitalism, and the development and sponsorship of mercenary hybrid intelligence/censorship academic/industrial organizations. 

They have also come to include psychological bioterrorism, which is the weaponization of fear of infectious diseases and other health-related issues such as human-induced climate change.

They also include weaponization of advertising and banking.

These tools and technologies, designed for offshore combat against insurgencies and terrorist organizations like Al Qaida, are now at the core of overall NATO military strategy, which is termed “Hybrid Warfare”.

These methods and technologies are a key component of modern propaganda campaigns and strategies, and are closely related to marketing including the aggressive and unethical marketing strategies used by the tobacco and pharmaceutical industry.

First justified as necessary to “preserve Democracy” and prevent foreign interference in elections, and then to prevent “vaccine misinformation” which might cause “vaccine hesitancy”, these methods of war are now being deployed against the citizens of free, democratic countries.

But what is “misinformation”?  It is any information which differs from the approved narrative of national public health officials and the World Health Organization.

These methods and technologies consider your mind to be the battlefield.  They seek to control all that you think, feel, believe and all information that you are able to access.

When a government decides that it is acceptable to deploy these information and thought weapons against its own citizens, then concepts of freedom of thought and speech, freedom to think, the very core of the social contract between the government and the governed, free agency and sovereignty become completely obsolete.

The deployment of these technologies prevent discovery of truth, and they prevent innovation and adaptation to change.

To counter PsyWar, to build resiliency, and to recover trust, we must return to core ethical principles.  We must rebuild community.  We must re-commit to the pursuit and respect for objective truth.

Decades have been invested in developing methods, policies and strategies designed to protect the safety of the public from aggressive, unethical pharmaceutical industry practices.  Objectively and impartially enforcing these regulatory policies were previously the mission of the FDA and global regulatory authorities. 

This critical independent regulatory authority gatekeeper role has been corrupted, and under the ruse of “reducing regulatory burdens” clinical research and regulatory norms developed over decades have been disregarded.

If we are to rebuild the trust of the people in the medical enterprise, to rebuild trust in government and the State, and to insure a secure future for ourselves, our elderly, and our children, we must find ways to prevent predatory pharmaceutical industry, banking, and political forces from distorting the traditions which have been developed over generations.

We must insist that psychological bioterrorism is never again allowed to be deployed by the pharmaceutical industry, transnational organizations, Imperialist nations, academics and State public health organizations.

And if we are to ensure a secure future, we must recommit to freedom, integrity, community, respect for our fellow human beings, and the principle of subsidiarity- that decisions should be made at the most locally competent level.  Which in the case of health decisions, means between the patient and the physician.  The State should never interfere in these private and personal decisions.

Click here to be taken to Rumble to view this recent “Big Mig” podcast.


DHS Subpoened After Whistleblower Reveals Information on Governor Walz’s Ties to the CCP:


Psychological Bioterrorism