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"Because a Pangolin Kissed a Turtle"

The lab leak cover-up just got even more twisted

Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says

U.S. agency’s revised assessment is based on new intelligence

WSJ, February 26, 2023

OK - so the Department of Energy has joined the FBI in determining that the virus was a lab escape. Wait - what? According to the WSJ, the FBI MAY HAVE MADE THAT ASSESSMENT IN 2021! Who knew?

The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the COVID pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress.

The shift by the Energy Department, which previously was undecided on how the virus emerged, is noted in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office.

The new report highlights how different parts of the intelligence community have arrived at disparate judgments about the pandemic’s origin. The Energy Department now joins the Federal Bureau of Investigation in saying the virus likely spread via a mishap at a Chinese laboratory. Four other agencies, along with a national intelligence panel, still judge that it was likely the result of a natural transmission, and two are undecided.”

I must have been sleeping under rock - I did not realize that the intelligence community had been communicating that the origin could have been a lab leak since August 2021. With four IC “elements” concluding with LOW confidence that it was of natural origin, and one IC “element” with MODERATE confidence that it came from a lab.

“One IC element assesses with moderate confidence that the first human infection with SARS-CoV-2 most likely was the result of a laboratory-associated incident, probably involving experimentation, animal handling, or sampling by the Wuhan Institute of Virology. These analysts give weight to the inherently risky nature of work on coronaviruses”

This must come as a huge shock for some people in the government, media and science. Because anyone who follows the headlines from the past three years clearly knows COVID-19 came from some bizarre and oblique origin involving pangolins, bats, snakes, seafood, caves and markets (and according to Jon Stewart, even turtles).

From earlier this month:

“The acting director of the National Institutes of Health pushed back Wednesday against Republicans' assertions that a lab leak stemming from taxpayer-funded research may have caused the coronavirus pandemic, telling lawmakers that viruses being studied at a laboratory in Wuhan, China, bore no resemblance to the one that set off the worst public health crisis in a century.

Those viruses "bear no relationship to SARS-CoV-2; they are genetically distinct," the NIH official, Dr. Lawrence A. Tabak, told a House panel, using the formal name for the virus. He added that to suggest otherwise would be akin to "saying that a human is equivalent to a cow."“

You can’t make this stuff up.

In my opinion, Dr. Tabak’s testimony is so over the top wrong, that he needs to be brought up on charges of lying to Congress.

Let go back in time to a Jon Stewart section on the Late Night Show in 2021.

See this content in the original post

If you are not on Twitter, here is the full video monologue on youtube (go to the 2:50 minute mark).

So how did how cancel culture and main stream media take to Jon Stewart’s musings directly after the show?

Over the past few years, we have learned that the bigger the push back from main stream media and big tech, the more likely there is a grain of truth. I like to refer to this as an “electric fence”. An example of this would be Hunter Biden’s laptop. The electric fence model predicts that the force of the outsized response will be directly proportional to the danger of the information to the establishment.

In summer 2021, even joking about a lab leak was an “electric fence” that caused the left, the scientific community, big tech and media to label and even censor someone as a dangerous conspiracy theorist -even as our intelligence communities were contemplating this possibility, and many in those communities had even concluded that this was a lab leak.

Heck, at that time, there were even those who thought that even suggesting that origins of COVID-19 were from a lab leak meant one was a racist!

To pile on, TMZ put out a video report:

“Jon Stewart's COVID Lab Rant Hurts Frontline Scientists, Says Dr. Peter Hotez”

At this point in time, I believe that if Dr. Hotez expresses outrage - one can presume an electric fence strategy has been planned and is being acted upon.

So now, according to the FBI and the Department of Energy, it looks like Jon Stewart and all of us conspiracy theorists may have been right after all. In fact, it turns out there were and are people in the three letter agencies who also agree with the lab leak origin, even back in 2021.

Waiting for the apologies to start in 10, 9, 8. 7…. Crickets.

Then there is the frankly bizarre report from the World Health organization around the same time, concluding that COVID-19 came from bats or nature.

One can only assume that the WHO is a compromised organization. No surprises there.

But whoever is orchestrating this charade isn’t done yet.

How to explain the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and Science magazine promoting this in the fall of 2022?

Our paper recognizes that there are different possible origins, but the evidence towards zoonosis is overwhelming,” says co-author Danielle Anderson, a virologist at the University of Melbourne. The report, which includes an analysis that found the peer-reviewed literature overwhelmingly supports the zoonotic hypotheses, appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on 10 October.

Have all of the major scientific journals been compromised in some way? How did PNAS happen to publish a report four months ago stating that the evidence was “overwhelming” that this was a zoonosis event.

However, a closer analysis of this report reveals that the authors have a very different agenda:

“We identify three primary targets for pandemic prevention and preparedness: first, smart surveillance coupled with epidemiological risk assessment across wildlife–livestock–human (One Health) spillover interfaces; second, research to enhance pandemic preparedness and expedite development of vaccines and therapeutics; and third, strategies to reduce underlying drivers of spillover risk and spread and reduce the influence of misinformation.”

The authors think that surveillance of animal populations for zoonotic viruses, combined with literally vaccinating every creature who might carry a potential risk of zoonosis on the face of this earth is a viable solution.

Not only is this an impossibility, it would be extremely risky, and the cost would be enormous - what are they thinking?

“Vaccination of animal reservoirs can reduce threats to people: for example, oral baits have been used to vaccinate wild raccoons against rabies (65). Proposed self-disseminating vaccines for wildlife might reduce the risk of spillover of other zoonotic pathogens (66). Immunization of critical amplifier hosts could potentially limit virus evolution toward enhanced transmission or virulence. Examples include vaccinating poultry or swine for emerging animal influenza A strains or camels for MERS-CoV in endemic countries (67).”

It isn’t surprising to discover that the authors of this paper include Dr. Peter Dazak and his team at Ecohealth Alliance. What is horrifying is that PNAS published this report and Science Magazine and the author, Jon Cohen chose to amplify this message to the larger scientific audience. To what end?

How much of this research is already being funded by the US government?

Fast forward to 2023, when the FBI and the Department of Energy are not only endorsing the idea of a lab leak, but are actually rewriting reports from 2021 on the subject (BTW - I could not find a copy of the newly updated report).

The conclusion of the Wall Street Journal article implies that the US involvement in the lab leak and its subsequent cover-up gets even more tangled, nefarious and frankly, just strange.

“A senior U.S. intelligence official confirmed that the intelligence community had conducted the update, whose existence hasn’t previously been reported. This official added that it was done in light of new intelligence, further study of academic literature and consultation with experts outside government.

The update, which is less than five pages, wasn’t requested by Congress. But lawmakers, particularly House and Senate Republicans, are pursuing their own investigations into the origins of the pandemic and are pressing the Biden administration and the intelligence community for more information…

Lawmakers have sought to find out more about why the FBI assesses a lab leak was likely. In an Aug. 1 letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, Sen. Roger Marshall, a Kansas Republican, requested that the FBI share the records of its investigation and asked if the bureau had briefed Mr. Biden on its findings.

In a Nov. 18 letter, FBI Assistant Director Jill Tyson said the agency couldn’t share those details because of Justice Department policy on preserving “the integrity of ongoing investigations.” She referred the senator to Ms. Haines’s office for information on what briefings were arranged for the president.” (WSJ)

The role of Congress includes investigating and supervising the US government. The FBI falls UNDER the Department of Justice, which falls under the Attorney General, who reports to the POTUS.

But the FBI won’t share details with Congress. The reasons that the FBI cites is a Justice Dept. policy on preserving the integrity of ongoing investigations.

As the Justice Department falls outside of Congressional supervision, this policy nicely covers the ass of the FBI - so that they don’t have to share any information with Congress for an ongoing investigation. Therefore, in order to evade Congressional oversight on any topic, all that is required is some pretense of an ongoing investigation by the FBI.

Gain-of-function research is continuing at break neck pace. EcoHealth Alliance is creating self-amplifying vaccines, while they also are creating new viruses, much as is apparently the practice at Pfizer, according to the recent Project Veritas investigations and discoveries. EcoHealth Alliance wants to vaccinate our wildlife populations with experimental vaccines. This should be raising alarm bells through-out main stream media as well as the government. It needs to be shut-down. Instead, the US Government is funding these highly dangerous activities. How many times do we need to learn this lesson?

The FBI must divulge what it knows in a timely manner. We don’t have time to wait for their endless investigations to be concluded. Three years is already too long to wait.

Congress and the American public deserve answers now.