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Do you feel manipulated?

We can not let the administrative state win the propaganda wars.

Pubmed is a government aggregator site for peer reviewed research.

Recently, a search on Pubmed using the search terms “COVID-19 vaccines” revealed a shocking trend. So, what did I find?

There are literally thousands of peer reviewed studies on vaccine hesitancy and how the government can overcome it. In sum, there are over 6000 such studies on Pubmed. A more narrowly focused search on endnote pulled up about 1250 studies. These studies have a wide range of topics, but most focus on which groups of people are vaccine hesitant, statistics on these populations, as well as how to overcome vaccine hesitancy through propaganda, censorship, the law and behavioral control.

The fact is that our government, governments from around the world, the WHO and UNICEF have spent billions of dollars in a misguided attempt to try to figure out how to make people take (coerce, compel, and entice) these experimental medical products (COVID-19 vaccines). This was clearly a coordinated effort.

This monumental world-wide effort to manipulate beliefs has eliminated informed consent. Informed consent is the idea that a person must be given sufficient information before making decisions about their medical care. Pertinent information includes risks and benefits of treatments, the patient's role in treatment, alternative treatments, and the person’s right to refuse treatment. When people cannot get reliable safety information on whether to take an experimental product or any medical product, when they are being coerced and are not informed of important safety considerations, informed consent is gone.

Of particular concern is the vaccine hesitancy clinical trials that are specifically designed to see what types of propaganda, nudging, computational propaganda and behavioral modifications work best to elicit compliance from entire populations. In funding such studies, the government and world-wide leadership have endeavored to eliminate informed consent.

Remember, the USA only has Emergency Use Authorized COVID vaccines available. These products have not had to go through the rigors of the clinical trial process to receive full licensure. Of course, much of what has been labeled as misinformation over the past three years has been proven to be truth. People were not allowed to know the truth through propaganda, censorship and coercion.

These studies have bought and paid for mostly by the US government, UNICEF or NGO/astroturf organizations working on their behalf.

This is basically taxpayer-funded market research to garner compliance for the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out. Marketing research and methods to coerce large populations by the US government for the likes of Pfizer and Moderna.

So, Dr. Mandy Cohen, the Director of the CDC is right. These experimental vaccines have been studied more than any vaccine in history - to ensure 100% uptake by the global population.

Below is a recent paper, whose authors work for the Health and Human Services - our government.

From the Abstract:

"the US Department of Health and Human Services launched the We Can Do This public education campaign in April 2021 to increase vaccine confidence.

The campaign uses a mix of digital, television, print, radio, and out-of-home channels to reach target audiences...

The size and length of the Department of Health and Human Services We Can Do This public education campaign make it uniquely situated to examine the impact of a digital campaign on COVID-19 vaccination, which may help inform future vaccine communication efforts and broader public education efforts.

These findings suggest that campaign digital dose is positively associated with COVID-19 vaccination uptake among US adults; future research assessing campaign impact on reduced COVID-19–attributed morbidity and mortality and other benefits is recommended. This study indicates that digital channels have played an important role in the COVID-19 pandemic response.

Digital outreach may be integral in addressing future pandemics and could even play a role in addressing nonpandemic public health crises."

Re-read that last sentence again. Not only did the US government (HHS) have a huge campaign to program our minds during COVID to increase uptake of the "vaccine", they are now planning how to use this "Digital outreach" for non-pandemic purposes...

This campaign was bombarded the American people with propaganda, paid for by the US Government. From the article:

The We Can Do This campaign aims to influence COVID-19 vaccine confidence and uptake through the dissemination of advertisements (eg, 30-second videos and static images with text) that address key attitudinal and behavioral constructs relevant to these outcomes across a mix of traditional and new media channels. These channels include television, radio, and print media; site direct (digital advertising directly purchased on websites), programmatic (digital advertising purchased through automated marketplace platforms to reach audiences across a range of websites, apps, and platforms), and paid social media (advertising bought directly on social media platforms) advertisements; earned media; partnerships; and influencer engagement. To reach diverse audiences, the campaign has engaged simultaneously with the general population and with specific racial and ethnic audiences through tailored communications in more than 14 languages, including English and Spanish.

Between April 5 and September 26, 2021, according to Nielsen Digital and Total Ad Ratings (see Multimedia Appendix 1), the campaign is estimated to have reached more than 90% of US adults an average of 20.9 times across measured television and digital channels (Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings, unpublished data, 2021). In addition to the campaign’s national reach, it also delivered extra ads to markets, zip codes, and population segments with higher proportions of vaccine-hesitant adults and higher COVID-19 prevalence. As the vaccination uptake rate varied across designated market areas (DMAs), the campaign also took vaccination rates into account when deciding where to deliver these extra ads to help encourage first-dose vaccination.

This campaign not only utilized propaganda, it is also used known neuro- linguistic programming techniques, such as repetitive messaging.

They then did a large clinical trial to see how these techniques affected people’s decision to get the mRNA “vaccine”. The results showed that this huge propaganda campaign was hugely successful in getting people to take the jab.

The problem with propaganda and censorship is that the use of such by governments and world leaders is that it is a slippery slope.

As documented in the paper above, our government leaders now know that the use of such tools was successful in increasing vaccine uptake. The administrative state is only going to increase their use of such techniques during the next health crisis. Climate change or gun violence seem logical choices for more governmental propaganda and censorship.

Yep- there is good evidence that the government is paying for studies such as these:

Finally, the public is waking up to these tactics. As the experimental vaccines failed, the masks were again documented to not to work, the economic impact of the lock-downs was exposed and school age children now show cognitive declines from school closures, much of the public is skeptical and untrusting. This is a good thing. This is progress for the people, for our country.

The administrative state will not give up easily, they are only going to increase their use of these behavioral modification tools, propaganda and censorship. But next time, they will have a bigger fight on their hands.

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