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Global News: The Wrap-up Smear & More Nazi Talk.

Yet more propaganda and censorship, domestic and foreign

The Wrap-up Smear.

Although this Substack is about international news, I want to start with a five-year old old video of Nancy Pelosi describing a tactic used by democrats and the deep state to target and defame conservatives and people they deem unacceptable, like me. Have a listen.

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"You smear somebody with falsehoods and all the rest and then you merchandise it and then you write it and they’ll say, see, it’s reported in the press that this, this, this and this, so they have that validation that the press reported the smear and then it’s called a wrap-up smear. Now I am going to merchandise the press’ report on the smear that we made. It’s a tactic, and its self evident.”

Representative Nancy Pelosi

This gambit is used a lot. This is what the deep staters used on the original signers of the Great Barrington Declaration. During the Covidcrisis and beyond, it has been utilized by the deep state to divide the sovereignty movement. Of particular interest and relevance is the number of “hit” pieces by conservative influencers to get the leaders of the movement. It you are playing into this gossip game, you are part of the problem. The deep state is using you by getting you to amplify messages that will divide people and organizations that the government doesn’t approve of.

This is a form of black propaganda being used against us by our own government.

As the Supreme court decides the fate of free speech in America today, never forget what we are up against.

Funnily enough, NATO actually has a 2020 report titled “Information Laundering in Germany”, which includes a graphic that describes the “wrap-up smear”.

The report then goes into great detail - to describe how Russia uses “information laundering” in this manner.

Pot calling the kettle black?

On to Germany…

In Germany, policemen removed a 16-year-old schoolgirl from her classroom, questioned her about her political affiliations, then warned her that expressing such opinions online could get her into future trouble before letting her go. This was after she had been denounced by her headteacher in front of the class for expressing political sympathies with the AfD Political organization in a harmless Smurf video

The European Conservative conducted an excellent interview with the young woman and her mother.

The Interior Minister of the region responded to the girl’s detention, stating that the approach was “proportionate” and that it is better to speak to a person (take them in for questioning) prior to a crime being committed. Enquiring minds want to know… What crime exactly? This is pre-crime intervention for a potential thought crime.

Evidently expressing sympathy for the AFD online by creating an innocent video in favor of the AfD - is now considered a thought crime…

SCHWERIN. The Interior Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Christian Pegel (SPD) , defended the police's behavior towards student Loretta B. from the Richard Wossidlo High School in Ribnitz-Damgarten. Picking up the 16-year-old girl from class and the subsequent approach to the threat were proportionate, said Pegel today during a questioning in the state parliament.

If the police are called, they will come, said the Social Democrat in response to a question from AfD politician Enrico Schult. Addressing the person at risk was also appropriate for the situation. “As a rule, speaking to the person at risk begins before the crime occurs. If there had been a crime, we would conduct criminal proceedings.”

Anyone remember the 2002 movie “Minority Report”? One doesn’t need pre-cognition for this reality to be real.

The 2024 European Parliament election in Germany is scheduled to be held on June 9, 2024. So tensions are only going to get more intense, as the European Union holds the true power in Germany at this point. Which is why this election matters so much to the globalists.

As we all learned in elementary school, the German government has been down this road before.

Germany had more than 300,000 asylum requests in 2023, mostly from Syria, Afghanistan, and Turkey and it has also taken in more than a million Ukrainian refugees. That means in 2023 alone, 1.3 million legal immigrants have entered Germany LEGALLY. A country with 84 million. That means that one out of every 80 people in Germany entered the country in 2023. Furthermore, this does not include illegal immigration. It is for good reason that German citizens consider this massive increase in immigrants as unsupportable. This is a Tsunami of different cultures and peoples and traditions flooding into Germany.

The AfD party is surging in the polls and as it stands now, will place second in the EU elections to be held in June. I know lots of Germans who support the AfD - they are not “far-right” or racist people. They just want their country to maintain a cultural tradition based on German traditions. They don’t like the violence, costs and turmoil associated with a massive immigration flux. This doesn’t seem radical. German citizens are outraged with what is happening with the European Union taking ultimate control over national sovereignty. To be clear, labelling the AfD party as far-right is wrong.

But still the globalists persist.

Already, the Germany’s intelligence agency took the draconian step of classifying the Saxony state branch of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party as a threat to democracy in December, 2023. Germany’s top court has also ruled in 2024 to cut state funding for the AfD. This is the first step towards banning it outright as unconstitutional. A German regional court has also ruled that the youth faction of the AfD could be considered an “extremist movement”, and a court in Germany is now deciding whether the AFD can officially be treated as a "suspected case of right-wing extremism."

This is the inflection point for the the German intelligence service to put “the party” under regular surveillance. Which means, any person affiliated with AFD will be put in surveillance and that also includes financial surveillance. Which means their personal bank records can be scrutinized, as well as their personal lives.

The AfD has now called AFD immigrant members in court to dispel accusations of racism. But the court hearings go on.

This is the road to hell for Germany and takes it right back to the 1930s and 1940s.

The truth is that the AfD explicitly rejects the idea of a ‘federal Europe.’ They believe that the EU needs to be revamped and argues that “decisions should not be made in Brussels but at the center of the nation-state”. They know that the ‘globalist elites’ are taking over the EU through regulatory capture. Furthermore, the AfD believes that NATO must have a more limited scope. The AfD has stated that: “NATO membership is in Germany’s foreign and security policy interests insofar as NATO limits itself to its task as a defense alliance.” Sound familiar?

This is what has the German deep-state scared silly. It isn’t that the AfD is “far-right” or would cause Germany to fall back into some sort of 1940’s Nazi state, is is that the AfD wants to disrupt the Europe Union power structure. They want to exit the EU and disrupt NATO’s total control of Europe, and European subjugation to US geopolitical interests.

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