New: Another Study Identifies High Rate of Severe Myocarditis Cases Post COVID Vax

Cardiologist Dr. Anish Koka weighs in: "This should hopefully end the mainstream expert narrative of characterizing vaccine myocarditis as mild."


The academic publication in the European Heart Journal can be found here (linked).

Guest essay by Rav Aura, who co-authors a substack with Dr. Jay Battacharia titled “The Illusion of Consensus” (linked). Rav writes on vaccine mandates, civil liberties, and psychedelic therapy. He has been seen on podcasts with Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Tim Pool, Adam Carolla etc.

Rav Arora’s recent viral story on how an editor at a “pro-vaccine newspaper” suffered from a post-vaccine injury was featured in a detailed segment by Bret Weinstein in the DarkHorse podcast. Watch below:

Secondly, big thank you to Joe Rogan for also sharing the same piece on Twitter! Read here:


New South Korean Study Identifies High Rate of Severe Myocarditis Cases

By: Rav Arora

A new South Korean nationwide study on vaccine-related myocarditis contains troubling implications on the severity of cardiac damage conferred by the mass experiment conducted on the population — young men in particular — without informed consent and a clear understanding of risk-reward ratios.

Myocardial inflammation linked to the mRNA vaccines has become a bizarrely contentious and politicized topic. Never before has there been a time in history where one’s political orientation could predict their views on the safety of a drug or therapeutic. The psychopathic media witch-burning of Joe Rogan for his views on vaccine myocarditis and child vaccination informed by Dr. Tracy Beth Hoeg and Dr. Mandrola’s paper in 2021 was the most telling example that this conversation had been corrupted by forces powerful enough to obscure the data.

This new study published in the European Heart Journal is incredibly comprehensive. In South Korea, the Korean Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) established a reporting system make it legally obligatory to report vaccine adverse events such as myocarditis.

Among 44,276,704 South Koreans vaccinated, 1533 cases of suspected myocarditis were identified under the KDCA. Of the 1,533 total cases, the KDCA’s “Expert Adjudication Committee on COVID-19 Vaccination Pericarditis/Myocarditis” confirmed 480 cases. The population-wide risk comes to 1 in 100,000.

For teenage boys ages 12 - 17, where the risk is most concentrated, the vaccine myocarditis incidence was predictably far higher at 1 in 18,900. This reported rate is far lower than other estimates from Hong Kong’s active surveillance system (1 in 2,680 after dose 2) and Kaiser Permanente (1 in 2,650 after dose 2) in the same age group. While a 1 in 18,000 risk is nontrivial on a population-level, several reasons explain why South Korean researchers found a lower rate of myocarditis than various other American, European, and Asian study estimates.

Most importantly, of the vaccinated South Korean population in the study, less than three-quarters took the mRNA jabs (71%), of which 56% took the Pfizer shots. Only 15% of vaccinees took the Moderna shots. This is noteworthy because vaccine-induced myocarditis incidence is far higher in those vaccinated with the Moderna product. The same link has not been robustly identified in non-mRNA Covid vaccines. Almost a third of vaccinated South Koreans took a non-mRNA vaccine (AstraZeneca and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine).

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Secondly, the study did not tally myocarditis rates by vaccine dose for different age groups in men and women. The second dose of the vaccine is known to cause higher rates of myocarditis in young men than the first. In other words, a more careful breakdown by dose and vaccine type would have revealed a far higher incidence of vaccine myocarditis. The researchers did, however, compare myocarditis incidence across vaccine doses broadly (without breaking it down by age and gender, as mentioned):


Predictably, Moderna dose two is associated with the highest rate of 1 in 86,000. Pfizer is the second most dangerous vaccine in this regard, with an incidence of 1 in 166,600 per vaccinated persons after the second dose. Comparatively, the AstraZeneca vaccine is associated with a 1 in 1,111,111 incidence of vaccine-related myocarditis.

Unsurprisingly, this study shows the mRNAs are far more dangerous (at least on the myocarditis front) than other Covid vaccines.

Another reason why researchers identified a lower incidence of myocarditis is the methodology used for the adjudication of myocarditis cases. According to cardiologist Dr. Anish Koka (

Anish Koka MD (Cardiology), who provided his comments on this study, stated that “This also reflects more stringent criteria used by Korean investigators in diagnosing vaccine myocarditis.”

As Koka further explained, “the committee rejected the level 3 BC case definition of myocarditis and the level 2 BC case definition that did not have associated cardiac damage evident on a blood test or any case with a positive result for COVID-19 infection.” As a result, many probable and likely cases of vaccine myocarditis were excluded due to highly stringent criteria.


(Note: the rates of subclinical myocarditis still remain unknown and can’t be captured in a study like this. Based on one small Thai study, we have reason to believe many young men have suffered from subclinical myocarditis by the mRNA shots, to varying degrees, but have not been tracked by public health agencies.)

The most concerning part of the study is the reported rate of “severe Covid-19 vaccine-related myocarditis.” Researchers identified 95 cases (19.8%) of severe myocarditis, 85 ICU admissions (17.7%), 36 fulminant myocarditis cases (7.5%), 21 ECMO therapies (4.4%) (a modified heart-lung by-pass machine), 21 deaths (4.4%), and 1 heart transplantation (0.2%).

Dr. Anish Koka views a 20% rate of serious complications from vaccine-related myocarditis as “startling.”


“This should hopefully end the mainstream expert narrative of characterizing vaccine myocarditis as mild,” he added.

Again, if researchers controlled for the mRNA vaccine and dose two specifically in young men, what would have the rate of severe myocarditis have been? This question remains unanswered.

The number of vaccine-caused deaths found in the study was also alarming. As Koka explained,

21 deaths, all in those aged 45 or less, were ultimately attributed to the vaccine. 8 of these deaths were sudden cardiac arrests that were diagnosed with myocarditis on autopsy because the Korean vaccine compensation program requires autopsies on patients that die after vaccination.  

Importantly, no one suspected myocarditis as a cause of death in these cases until the autopsies were done. 

In the American context, how many sudden deaths after the vaccine are thoroughly examined and analyzed through an autopsy? The U.S is not tracking cases of sudden cardiac death caused by the vaccine due to a lack of comprehensive vaccine adverse event tracking mechanisms.

This comprehensive study further indicts public health agencies, government institutions, and medical professionals who insisted young, healthy individuals needed the Covid vaccine to keep themselves and others safe. They zealously repeated mantras of “Safe and Effective,” without an iota of humility, uncertainty, or open-mindedness.

A rigorous cost-benefit analysis was never done — and could not have initially been done with such vast uncertainty and moving variables in the spring of 2021 when vaccines were widely distributed.

Now, it is increasingly clear how wrong mRNA vaccine enforcers were.

The reported incidence of vaccine-related myocarditis in boys ages 12 - 17 is about two times higher than the average rate of Covid hospitalization in this age group according to the CDC (which includes incidental cases).

Yet, the FDA, CDC, the White House, and much of the medical establishment has continued to promote the bivalent booster vaccine in kids as young as 6 months old. More than 160 U.S colleges still mandate the Covid vaccine for young, low-risk undergraduate students without any scientific rationale for significant benefit.


As Dr. Koka told me,

This data makes it very difficult to understand the rationale for vaccinating young healthy individuals in 2023 who appear to be at vanishingly small risk of severe COVID. As any physician in the US who spends any time in hospitals over the last few years will tell you, hospitalization for severe COVID are exceedingly rare.

I cannot recall seeing a patient with severe COVID in the hospital for the last 18 months.


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