News Below the Fold

Fire on the frontlines, lying to Congress and the race heats up


Still waiting to see official confirmation of this news story - but there is no reason to doubt it.


Why is this not major headline news? Sen. Rand Paul has been targeted in the past and to be sure, he must have had a lot of important information stored in his office, now destroyed...

BTW- right now, the cause of the fire is “unknown,” kind of like Hunter Biden’s the White house’s cocaine stash.


This long article from the Intercept documents how Kristian Andersen of Scripts Institute (La Jolla, California) lied to Congress last week by implying that he did not have any grant funding pending when he initially wrote about the lab origins. The logic is quite compelling that Andersen lied to Congress.

But what I found most disturbing was the image of the slack chat messaging that these so-called scientists had when discussing how they would skew the lab origins story to make it appear that the virus was of natural origins.

In the above message, Dr. Andersen writes in the first message that the furin cleavage site has convinced that most likely the virus is man-made. But by the end of the discussion, he writes that he will create a parallel document about the scenarios for natural origins and write that section all differently.

Andersen, returning to the question of Covid’s origin, repeated that “Natural selection and accidental release are both plausible scenarios explaining the data – and a priori should be equally weighed as possible explanations. The presence of a furin [cleavage site] a posteriori” — the furin cleavage site was the characteristic of the virus that the scientists thought was indicative of engineering or other lab origin — “moves me slightly more towards accidental release, but it’s well above my paygrade to call the shots on a final conclusion.” 

In fact, Andersen would be listed as the lead author on the conclusive paper (determining that the virus was of natural origins). Rambaut responded by warning of the geopolitical fallout of such a claim. “Given the shit show that would happen if anyone serious accused the Chinese of even accidental release, my feeling is we should say that given there is no evidence of a specifically engineered virus, we cannot possible distinguish between natural evolution and escape so we are content to with ascribing it to natural processes.”

Dr. Christian Andersen also writes that he is upset the the GOF work was done in a low level BSL lab and he isn’t sure that GOF research is worth the risk. None of this of course is conveyed the original peer-reviewed papers about the natural origin that he wrote and the Fauci /NIH cabal used to insist that the virus was of natural origins, deflecting the blame for the lab leak away from the US government.

This is criminal. The original paper is fraudulent and charges should be brought against Dr. Christian Andersen for lying to Congress and for impeding a federal investigation into the origins of COVID-19, going back to 2020.

Quotes from the presidential candidates this week:

PRES. BIDEN: ‘Here’s what Bidenomics looks like: Over 13 million new jobs, including 800,000 manufacturing jobs. Unemployment below 4%, the longest stretch in the last 50 years. Inflation has slowed every single month for the last 12 months. We're building the economy for the middle class.’


GOV. RON DESANTIS: ‘You still have people today, Fauci and the like, they think that what they did was right. They think these lockdowns worked. My fear is if this happens in the future, a lot of these people are going to want to do the same thing again.’


ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR: 'The democrat party has become THE PARTY OF WAR, it’s become the party of censorship, it’s become the party of pharmaceutical companies'.

'The middle class has been wiped out in this country and NOBODY is talking about it.'


VIVEK RAMASWAMY: ‘Most Republicans favor reform. I favor revolution. Any politician who says they’re going to “fix” the deep state is delusional. The only solution is to *shut it down.* We require a President who knows exactly how to do it on strong legal & authority. I will lay out detailed shutdown plans for the FBI, Department of Education, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.’


PRES. DONALD TRUMP: ‘When I am back in the White House I will end the Biden border nightmare. I will urge Congress to insure anyone caught trafficking children across our border receive the death penalty.’

The harassment of Robert F Kennedy Jr’s by Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Delegate Stacey Plaskett of the Virgin Islands and other democratic representatives at the "Weaponization Of The Federal Government" House Committee appears to have backfired:

Statement from Tony Lyons, Co-Founder, American Values 2024  (A Super PAC dedicated to electing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to President of the United States).

American Values 2024 raised over $16,250,000 since it was founded in late 2022.  

The key point is that $5,000,000 of that came in DURING Robert F Kennedy Jr’s congressional testimony yesterday.  The censorship, vilification, and targeted propaganda playbook that the DNC used so effectively against Bernie Sanders won’t work against Robert F Kennedy Jr.


It's Evil to Fake Deaths to Panic People...


COVID-19: Newly Published Research and CDC Data