Ninja (Omicron BA.5) COVID Fearporn
Now be a good highly vaccinated citizen and get in line for the "latest and greatest" booster, Comrade!
What is Fearporn? Is it really a thing?
When I first started discussing “Mass Formation Psychosis” (and specifically on Joe Rogan #1757), the entire Silicon Valley and Corporate Media seemed to simultaneously lose bladder control, claiming that there was no such thing, that this was not in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistics Manual, had no basis in the literature, and was a fabricated concept. “Factcheckers” had a field day. The Guardian and Forbes almost stroked out in outrage. In a fit of self righteous indignation, aging 60s rocker Neil Young, whose Spotfy hit rate was anemic at best, left Spotify together with Crosby, Stills and Nash, only to return later with their tails between their legs. Prompting many sagebrush sages to quote Lynard Skynard "I hope Neil Young will remember, a Southern man don't need him around anyhow." Turn it up.
By the way, I recently asked David Crosby if he would like to do a podcast together to just discuss the issues- and got back a “ticket closed” statement from his handlers. So much for constructive dialog and engagement.
As the topic started trending, Google immediately started editing search results in real time to elevate unqualified opinions that cast shade on the theory and teachings. Then world-renowned Professor of Clinical Psychology Mattias Desmet, PhD published “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” which documented both the process and the rich academic literature supporting it. Nothing but crickets chirping have been heard since. As far as I am concerned, that feels like yet more vindication (not that I care anymore), and a clear indication that Google and corporate media knew all along that they were guilty of intentionally driving COVID “Mass Formation Psychosis” in the general population. Personally, I think that empathy is the best response for the many who have fallen victim to this form of propaganda. Pity the poor hyper-vaccinated West Coast, aging Laurel Canyon crowd, and urban upper Eastern Seaboard, for they know not what they do.
So what about “Fearporn”? Just more Dr. Robert Malone MD, MS crazy talk? Well, thanks to Ilisa Kaufman Psy.D. and Psychology Today, there is independent validation of the term, and some recommendations for each and every one of us. They sound a whole lot like the advice provided by the late great John Prine, who got his Ph.D. from the school of hard knocks - “Blow up your TV, go to the country, plant a lot of peaches.”
“Has Fear Porn Inserted Its Way Into Your Mind?” (Psychology Today)
“Is all the media getting to you? A few changes can go a long way.”
“If you have not heard of the term "fear porn", it refers to mainstream media content that deliberately and enticingly plays on people's fears about disaster, disease, and death. Yes, there are media outlets that go beyond informing and alerting the public. Media is necessary and important to inform the public and to educate. However, at what point does informing turn into aggressively alarming people? Certain media is “intentionally” trying to panic the public. In a way, they are violating your minds.”
Dr. Kaufman proceeds with this indictment of the media and “fearporn industry”, and concludes with some practical advice.
‘What is the psychological effect that this can have on you and your loved ones? I have noticed the impact that the over-use of media has on my clients, especially for the anxiety and OCD communities. For example, I still have clients that "compulsively" check the coronavirus numbers and are still not leaving their house. For some, even if the policies and rules in their state have changed, they are unable to move forward. They are psychologically "stuck" in their Coronavirus protective behaviors.
If the media had a "hand" in alarming people to the point that they are now stuck. Does the media have an obligation to try and help people to become unstuck? Sadly, the answer appears to be no. Even more upsetting, the media is actually still doing plenty to keep people in a state of panic. In my clinical opinion, this is extremely damaging and unhealthy for the mental health of my clients and the public.
Here are some ways to help correct or prevent mental health consequences from the “fear porn” industry:
-Limit or get rid of your media intake. This includes social media, which is filled with plenty of strangers and “friends” trying to persuade and terrorize you.
-Once you have limited media, use that time to go outside in the sun and walk or run. Exercise can help reduce your stress levels. Also, responsible sun exposure has been proven to help with some psychological conditions.
-Refuse to get into conversations with anyone regarding what they saw or heard that was terrifying on the news. Simply explain to everyone that you will be using your own judgment to “protect” yourself as opposed to all the unknown reporters in the world.
-Definitely get help immediately if you are unable to function socially or occupationally. Programs are available and are useful when trying to desensitize yourself, to have a quality of life.”
“Factchecker” vampires begone. Now, where DID I leave those wooden stakes?
Here is another related gem from Dr. Kaufman (title and link below). And for the attention impaired, her answer to her own question is basically “yes”.
Can Coronavirus Health Behaviors Trigger OCD?
The connection between coronavirus and compulsive behaviors.
Important to keep in mind, Fearporn is a business model, which as Dr. Kaufman correctly notes drives profit for a “Fearporn Industry” of corporate media and bloggers (including Substack’s anointed unctuous COVID-19 expert Cardiologist Eric Topol, who recently put out a breathless Fearporn classic which of course neglects to even mention the highly vaccinated/immune escape problem. Disinformation at its best. Appears to meet DHS criteria for Domestic Terrorism. Scientific objectivity? Not so much.) I pointed this out in prior substacks concerning the fearporn surrounding the Monkey Pox outbreak in Men who have sex with Men, which is (alarmingly? not so much) apparently up to about 5,000 cases worldwide. Let’s see, 5000 cases divided by about 8 Billion people in the world equals an attack rate of… 0.0000625%. Sorry Bill and Tony (not). You can find those prior Monkeypox substacks here and here. I flatter myself to think that these substack articles, which were picked up and widely distributed among the “free resistance” alternative media, helped to quench this attempt to manipulate all of us into irrational panic and vaccination with a live attenuated Smallpox vaccine that also happens to have the major “side effect of special interest” of myocarditis. Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English). You have been warned. Risks are higher in young men.
So here comes the Fearporn, right on schedule.
First the FDA has finally decided that the Wuhan-1 based mRNA spike vaccines are not working, and that we need to migrate to mRNA-based multivalent vaccine. In so doing, they have completely ignored the huge number of peer reviewed manuscripts documenting “immune imprinting”, which is the reason why so many highly vaccinated individuals are developing Omicron infections now, including repeated or chronic infections. For references and detailed analysis of “immune imprinting” or “Original antigenic sin”, please see part 1 and part 2 of my prior analysis on this topic. Front line physicians are reporting to me that they are seeing an uptick in pneumonia, but not people that they need to send to the hospital for pneumonia.
On Thursday June 30, Cheyenne Haslett/ABC news reported:
“The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday said it had advised COVID-19 vaccine companies to produce an updated vaccine for this fall, an aim to give people broader and stronger immunity in an upcoming booster campaign ahead of the winter. It’s the latest step in the FDA’s strategy to better keep up with the virus, moving quicker to address variants and working to make booster doses more effective. The announcement comes after the FDA's advisers met earlier this week to discuss the various options for updated vaccine designs. In keeping with the advisers’ recommendations, the FDA selected a vaccine that will include two strains of COVID, the original Wuhan strain and the most recent omicron sub variants, BA.4 and BA.5, which is currently making up the majority of cases.”
This is then apparently to be what is called a trivalent vaccine, which will most likely greatly increase the total dose of the mRNA/delivery formulation complexes injected into the arms of the naive and those suffering from COVIDcrisis mass formation. Which, if this is the case, will definitely increase the adverse events. Suffer little children (Matthew 19:14). Based on the FDA’s “Future Framework”, it seems likely this will be Emergency Use Authorized (despite the lack of any true medical emergency) based only on immunogenicity data (despite the inconvenient fact that there are no validated immunologic correlates of protection for SARS-CoV-2). No wonder why so many speculate that the hidden agenda here is depopulation and reduction of the useless class as the WEF and Biden administration anticipate the Brave New World emerging during maturation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (according to Klaus Schwab). Welcome to hell. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, as the amazingly prolific and brave Zachary Stieber reports in the Epoch Times, “Natural Immunity 97 Percent Effective Against Severe COVID-19 After 14 Months”.
The protection against severe illness from so-called natural immunity remains superior to the protection bestowed by COVID-19 vaccines, according to a new study. People who survived COVID-19 infection and were not vaccinated had sky-high protection against severe or fatal COVID-19, researchers in Qatar found.
“Effectiveness of primary infection against severe, critical, or fatal COVID-19 reinfection was 97.3 percent … irrespective of the variant of primary infection or reinfection, and with no evidence for waning. Similar results were found in sub-group analyses for those ≥50 years of age,” Dr. Laith Abu-Raddad, with Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, and colleagues said after studying long-term natural immunity in unvaccinated people. That percentage is higher than the protection from COVID-19 vaccines, according to other studies and real-world data.
The actual real world data are showing that it is the highly vaccinated who are getting infected and reinfected by Omicron and its recent variants. So the response of Pfizer, Moderna, and the US HHS is more jabs which could not have been more carefully designed to further exacerbate immune imprinting in the highly vaccinated if they had tried. Or maybe they are trying. Who knows. Everything about the COVIDcrisis and these vaccines is upside down, smothered in propaganda, and dished up on a plate of Fearporn.
The US Government has now executed a $3.2B contract to Pfizer (using borrowed fiat currency, of course) for purchase of mRNA vaccines designed to address the new Omicron subvariants (BA.4 and BA.5) which will apparently include mRNA coding for Spike proteins from Wuhan-1, Omicron BA.4, and Omicron BA.5. This must be a serious threat, this BA.4 and BA.5 right? Citing Eric Topol’s recent Fearporn substack, the Daily Beast hyperventilates with this piece entitled “This New ‘Ninja’ COVID Variant Is the Most Dangerous One Yet”. Are you sufficiently scared yet? Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
Yipes. These symptoms must be wicked bad. According to Business Insider, “Symptoms of the Omicron BA.5 variant include runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat”. OMG! Katy, Bar the Door! Business Insider proceeds with this alarming summary of the situation:
The Omicron BA.5 variant is the dominant coronavirus strain in the US, according to the CDC.
Its symptoms are similar to past Omicron subvariants: a sore throat, sneezing, and a runny nose.
Experts say BA.5 infections may lead to less severe cases of COVID-19 than early ones.
Here is what the actual most recent CDC data look like at this point. Good to know.
Here is the short version of Topol’s fearporn piece, courtesy of the far left social media outlet Twitter. I ask you, is this disinformation? Who is paying Topol for putting out this sort of junk?
Big badda boom, for sure. 15% over two weeks ago? And falling according to the CDC data?
I will close my commentary on this sordid specific Fearporn example by presenting you with the smug genius at Daily Beast who is responsible for pushing this tripe, and invite you to let him know about how much you personally appreciate his contribution to raising the fear level in the general population. How do these people even live with themselves? I hope he is single. I would hate to be his significant other (speaking in a gender neutral fashion). If I was, I would certainly want to wear a mask in public.