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The Best kind of “ism” is Americanism

on being patriotic , a constitutionalist and rejecting progressive socio-fascism

In 1936, The American Legion began using this image on the cover of its annual Americanism manual. The American Legion Archives

Americanism could be defined as a belief in devotion, loyalty, or allegiance to the United States of America, as well as respect for its flag, its traditions, its customs, its culture, its symbols, its institutions and its form of government.

At the heart of Americanism is loyalty to the United States, its culture and its political structure. These ideals include but are not limited to independence, justice, freedom of speech, democracy, the constitution and economic progress.

“True Americanism is an ideology that is continually nurtured within one’s soul through individual daily actions, thoughts and beliefs in what their responsibilities are to be, blessed to live in one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.” 

Rich Anderson - American Legion Americanism Commission chairman

Americanism is a word that has fallen out of common usage. I am not sure why, as it so clearly defines what so many of us yearn to return to, and what we wish for with our dreams for the future. It is a uniquely American version of conservatism.

Conservatism is a cultural, social, and political philosophy that seeks to promote and to preserve traditional institutions, customs, and values. The central tenets of conservatism may vary in relation to the culture and civilization in which it appears. (Wiki)

Sometime in 2021 I realized that political divisions in this country were no longer between red and blue, Republican and Democrat, but between the traditional American way (ergo Americanism) and something that has emerged culturally over the past decade. That hard to define something is in opposition to Americanism. It is very different from previous threats to the American way of life, to our culture and traditions. This new vision for America is an merger of socialism and the new world order lead by globalist, corporatist elites. It is built upon using fascist goals (that is corporatism) to twist the American way of life into a globalist’s playpen of unregulated crony capitalism for the global transnational corporations and a command economy of restrictions for the rest of us. Where free speech is limited to state approved speech via controls and restrictions of the digital space.

This new merger of socialism and fascism, combined with limits to free speech (which always must have the ability to offend) is eerily similar to socio-fascism. This is a globalist movement, not limited to any one state or nation. This new merger could be called progressive socio-fascism. If we do not guard our great nation from these globalist zealots, it is just a matter of time before the United Nations and the World Economic Forum will hold the reins of power throughout the western world; maybe the entire world.

The progressive socio-fascists have done an excellent job in conning younger generations across the globe that their vision for the world will produce a better future through economic and social equality of all. But the truth is that this type of equality is still just another word for socialism.

Socialism is based on the concept of public ownership and regulation of the means of production, but individuals may still own property. Rather than rising out of a class revolution, socialist reform has taken place within existing social and political structures, whether they are democratic, technocratic, oligarchic, or totalitarian.

The World Economic Forum “trade union” (consisting of the thousand largest corporations in the world) has partnered with the United Nations to advance a strategic alliance vision involving seizing the means of production across the world. It is likely to regulate the United States into submission unless we, as a nation, understand the dangers and protect our economy and our republic from these robber barons.

In a 2019 letter to the UN, The Transnational Institute wrote:

End the United Nations/World Economic Forum Partnership Agreement. Open letter to Mr António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations


The provisions of the strategic partnership effectively provide that corporate leaders will become ‘whisper advisors’ to the heads of UN system departments, using their private access to advocate market-based profit-making ‘solutions’ to global problems while undermining real solutions embedded in public interest and transparent democratic procedures. The WEF agreement with the UN, and all other forms of corporate capture, seriously undermines the mandate of the UN as well as the independence, impartiality and effectiveness of this multilateral body, particularly in relation to the protection and promotion of human rights. For example, in the current discussions on a Treaty to regulate business activities, corporate capture of the UN – or undue interference by corporations on the UN – is weakening and compromising its ability as a multilateral body of government to hold businesses to account. Similarly, companies are increasingly making financial threats on governments and the UN when mandates are working on corporate accountability, the OHCHR mandate of the UN database on business in/with Israeli settlements is one example.

The UN’s acceptance of this partnership agreement moves the world toward WEF’s aspirations for multistakeholderism becoming the effective replacement of multilateralism. WEF in their 2010 The Global Redesign Initiative argued that the first step toward their global governance vision is ‘to redefine the international system as constituting a wider, multifaceted system of global cooperation in which intergovernmental legal frameworks and institutions are embedded as a core, but not the sole and sometimes not the most crucial, component.” The goal was to weaken the role of states in global decision-making and to elevate the role of a new set of ‘stakeholders’, turning our multilateral system into a multistakeholder system, in which companies are part of the governing mechanisms. This would bring transnational corporations, selected civil society representatives, states and other non-state actors together to make global decisions, discarding or ignoring critical concerns around conflicts of interest, accountability and democracy.

Over the course of the past four years since this agreement was inked, we have witnessed the corrosive effects that the WEF has had on the UN. By using faux emergencies, such as climate change and the COVID-19 virus, the WEF has been able to insert itself ever deeper into leadership roles worldwide.

The USA cannot and should not control the world, but it still is an independent autonomous nation-state. We must work to maintain the integrity of our borders, our nation, our culture and our rule of law. We must reject the UN and the WEF, both of which also have strong ties to the CCP.

It is our Constitution that protects us, and where we must draw our national strength.

The Great Reset and stakeholder capitalism are just the beginnings of progressive socio-fascism. This vision is promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations. They have captured the hearts and minds of many of our youth, and it is our battle to recapture them back. Unfortunately, the WEF and the UN use climate change, gender ideology and even the COVIDcrisis emergency to convince the youth to accept their goals of ascendency in the new globalist cabal.

How do we fight this?

I truly believe that by promoting what is great about Americanism and by continuing to expose the dangers of progressive socio-fascism at every level, we can make a difference. That people of all ages are beginning to wake-up. Americanism can be the new cool.

I truly believe that recent polling regarding Biden shows that we are winning this battle. A battle in a war that has just begun.

I leave you with the following:

We Americans have many grave problems to solve, many threatening evils to fight, and many deeds to do, if, as we hope and believe, we have the wisdom, the strength, the courage, and the virtue to do them. But we must face facts as they are. We must neither surrender ourselves to a foolish optimism, nor succumb to a timid and ignoble pessimism. Our nation is that one among all the nations of the earth which holds in its hands the fate of the coming years. We enjoy exceptional advantages, and are menaced by exceptional dangers; and all signs indicate that we shall either fail greatly or succeed greatly. I firmly believe that we shall succeed; but we must not foolishly blink the dangers by which we are threatened, for that is the way to fail. On the contrary, we must soberly set to work to find out all we can about the existence and extent of every evil, must acknowledge it to be such, and must then attack it with unyielding resolution. There are many such evils, and each must be fought after a fashion; yet there is one quality which we must bring to the solution of every problem,- that is, an intense and fervid Americanism.

We shall never be successful over the dangers that confront us; we shall never achieve true greatness, nor reach the lofty ideal which the founders and preservers of our mighty Federal Republic have set before us, unless we are Americans in heart and soul, in spirit and purpose, keenly alive to the responsibility implied in the very name of American, and proud beyond measure of the glorious privilege of bearing it.

-Theodore Roosevelt, 1894

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