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The Biden/Harris Legacy

Weaponized government, hate, divisiveness, censorship, propaganda, Ukraine War, Afghanistan withdrawal, #PsyWar, Corruption, Stolen election, and Assassination attempts.

Take a moment to think about this. Under the Biden/Harris administration, we now have two unsuccessful attempts to assassinate the former President of the United States. The Biden/Harris administration has repeatedly refused to provide enhanced Secret Service protection to President Trump during this run for re-election. Concurrent with and immediately before both attempts, Biden and Harris have repeatedly used inflammatory rhetoric targeting President Trump.

Regarding the Biden/Harris presidential administration, what will history record? I suggest that it is likely that the Biden/Harris administration will be recorded as highly corrupt and incompetent. An administration with a constant appetite for war and other foreign adventures (Nordstream, for example) and yet curiously incompetent in the management of war. Witness the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the enormously expensive and mismanaged Ukrainian misadventure.

An administration that was entirely in bed with Big Pharma, and responsible for one of the most significant public health mismanagement fiascos in recorded history (the COVIDcrisis). Promoters of globalism and enhanced powers and funding for the World Health Organization (the Pandemic Treaty and revision of the International Health Regulations). This administration completely disregarded established post WWII norms in bioethics and informed consent, and quite literally committed the violent act of forced vaccination of millions (including armed forces personnel) with unproven, inadequately tested, gene-therapy based vaccine products.

This administration has a long and uninterrupted history of promoting unfounded hate and divisiveness among US Citizens and of targeting its political opponents via lawfare and every other means at its disposal. Wholesale weaponization of the whole of government against opponents, the likes of which have never been seen before in the USA.

This administration has given birth to, promoted, enabled, and exploited a mercenary public-private partnership consisting of a censorship and propaganda industrial complex. This administration worked with other partners, including the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance, to turn modern hybrid warfare/PsyWar technology designed for offshore combat onto its own citizens. This administration has abused its relationships and power with corporate media and Big Tech to actively deploy and exploit modern propaganda methods in a desperate attempt to remain in power while punishing and, in some cases, unjustly jailing the loyal and patriotic opposition.

And then there are the open border policies, failure to address CCP hostility, and the Fentanyl crisis.

The weaponization of the Intelligence community and corporate media to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story right before the election. Which in itself constitutes election fraud and theft.

And then there are the horrible energy policy decisions, edicts regarding electric vehicles (and long haul trucks), and failure to keep an eye on the ball and follow through with infrastructure rebuilding proposals.

I predict that this administration will go down as one of the worst and most corrupt in the history of the United States of America.

To further illustrate my points, I offer two pivotal moments in history: the “Winter of Severe Illness and Death” psychological bioterrorism speech and the midterm 2022 Independence Hall “MAGA is a threat” speech.

We must never forget what has been done to the USA and American Citizens by this administration.

From the Mar-a-Lago panty raid event to the incitement of violence and assassination attempts. Biden and I agree on one thing- This must stop. Stop the anger, hate, accusations, lies, censorship and propaganda. Stop deploying PsyWar on the American People. This type of behavior cannot be allowed to stand. What we disagree on is which behavior. Once again, the evidence indicates that Biden’s hate speech is driven by his own fear and projection.

DECEMBER 21, 2021

President Biden Announces New Actions to Protect Americans and Help Communities and Hospitals Battle Omicron

Good afternoon. I promised when I got elected, I'd always give it to you straight from the shoulder, the good, the bad, the truth. So as we head into Christmas weekend, I want to answer your questions about the rising number of covid cases, COVID-19 cases. And I want to start by acknowledging how tired, worried, and frustrated. I know you are. I know how you're feeling. For many of you, this will be the first or even the second Christmas where you look across the table, be an empty kitchen chair there. Tens of millions have gotten sick. We've all experienced upheaval in our lives, but while Covid has been a tough adversary, we've shown that we're tougher. Tougher because we have the power of science and vaccines that prevent illness and save lives and tougher because of our resolve. So that, let me answer some questions that lay out the steps the vice president and I are taking to prepare for the rising number of cases.

Experts tell us we can expect in the weeks ahead. First, how concerned should you be about omicron, which is now the dominant variant in this country and it happens so quickly? The answer is straightforward. If you're not fully vaccinated, you have good reason to be concerned, you're at a high risk of getting sick, and if you get sick, you're likely to spread it to others including friends and family, and you unvaccinated have a significantly higher risk of ending up in a hospital or even dying. Almost everyone who has died from COVID-19 in the past many months has been unvaccinated, unvaccinated. But if you're among the majority of Americans who are fully vaccinated, and especially if you've gotten the booster shot that third shot, you're, you have much, much less reason to worry. You have a high degree of protection against severe illness, but because Omicron spreads so easily, we'll see some fully vaccinated people get covid, potentially enlarged numbers.

There will be positive cases in every office, even here in the White House, among the vaccinated, among the vaccinated from Omicron, but these cases are highly unlikely to lead to serious illness. Vaccinated people who get covid may get ill, but they're protected from severe illness and death. That's why you should still remain vigilant. According to our doctors, even if you're fully vaccinated, you should wear a mask when indoors and in public settings. Wearing a mask provides extra protection for you and those around you. And I know some Americans are wondering if you can safely celebrate the holidays with your family and friends. The answer is yes you can. If you and those you celebrate with are vaccinated, particularly if you've gotten your booster shot, if you are vaccinated and follow the precautions that we all know well, you should feel comfortable celebrating Christmas and the holidays as you planned it.

You've done the right thing. You can enjoy the holiday season and thanks to the progress on vaccinations this fall, we've gone from nearly 90 million adults in July who had not even started their vaccination process to fewer than 40 million today. Still too many, but down from 90 to 40, all these people who have not been vaccinated, you have an obligation to yourselves, to your family, and quite frankly, I know I get criticized for this to your country, get vaccinated now. It's free, it's convenient. I promise you it saves lives and I honest to God believe it's your patriotic duty. Another question folks are asking is, what can you do to make yourself and your family feel safer and be safer? The answer is simple. Get your booster shot, wear a mask. Our doctors have made it clear. Booster shots provide the strongest of protection. Unfortunately, we still have tens of millions of people who are eligible for the booster shot but have not yet gotten.

They've gotten the first two shots, but they've not gotten the booster folks, the booster shots are free and widely available. Over 60 million Americans, including 62% of eligible seniors, our most vulnerable group have gotten their booster shots. I got my booster shot as soon as they were available and just the other day, former President Trump announced he's had gotten his booster shot and maybe one of the few things he and I agree on, people with booster shots are highly protected. Join them. Join us. It's been six months or more since my second shot. If it's been six months or more for your second shot when I got my booster, you can get yours today if you've been six months or more since your second shot. Another question that folks are asking is, are we going back to March, 2020? Not this last March, 2021, but March, 2020 when the pandemic first hit.

That's what I keep getting asked. The answer is absolutely no, no. Here are three big differences between then and now. One. Number one, the first one, more than 200 million Americans have been fully vaccinated in March, 2020. No one was fully vaccinated. What that means is today as cases a cases of COVID-19 for fully vaccinated and boosted person will most likely mean no symptoms or mild one. Similar to the common respiratory viruses, over 200 million Americans should have a peace of mind that they did not have in March of 2020. They're protected from hospitalization and they're protected from death. Second point, we're prepared today for what's coming in March of 2020. We were not ready Today we stockpiled enough. We stockpiled enough gowns, mass and ventilators to deal with the surge of hospitalizations among the unvaccinated. Today. We're ready and as I'll explain in a few minutes, we're going to be reinforcing our hospitals helping them.

Number three, we know a lot more today than we did back in March of 2020. For example, last year we thought the only way to keep your children safe was to close our schools. Today we know more and we have more resources to keep those schools open. You can get five to 11 year olds vaccinated a tool we didn't have until last month. Today, we don't have to shut down schools because of the case of COVID-19. Now, if a student tests positive, other students can take the test and stay in the classroom if they're not infected, rather than closing the whole school or having to quarantine, we can keep our K through 12 schools open. That's exactly what we should be doing. So folks, let me summarize. We should all be concerned about omicron but not panicked. If you're fully vaccinated and especially if you got your booster shot, you are highly protected and if you're unvaccinated, you're at a higher risk getting severely ill from COVID-19, getting hospitalized and even dying.

So the best thing to do is get fully vaccinated and get your booster shot. And no, this is not March of 20, 20, 200 million people are fully vaccinated. We're prepared. We know more. We just have to stay focused. So that's where we stand. Now let me tell you about the additional steps I'm ordering today to take on what is coming. I know you've heard a lot of this in the news already. This morning, three weeks ago, I laid out a COVID-19 action plan for this winter that prepared us for this moment. Today we're making the plan even stronger. First, we're setting up our vaccination and booster efforts. We're stepping it up significantly in the past two weeks. We've seen the highest vaccination rates since last spring, and we aren't as vaccinated as a country as we should be though. That's why we have added 10,000 new vaccination sites on top of the 80,000 sites that are already, we already had in place and even more will open in January.

I know there's some parts of this country where people are very eager to get their booster where it's harder to get an appointment. Excuse me. So starting this week, I'll be deploying hundreds more vaccinators and more sites to help get the booster shots in people's arms. I've ordered fema, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to stand up new pop-up vaccination clinics all across the country where you can get that booster shot. We've opened, excuse me, we opened FEMA vaccination sites in Washington state and New Mexico recently as cases have increased and today I'm directing FEMA to stand up new sites in areas where there is a high demand. These steps are going to help us add more and more booster appointments and over just over the next few weeks, I also want to say a word to parents. If your children are not vaccinated, please get them vaccinated.

If you're a parent, understandably, who waited to see how the first shots went with other kids before getting your own kid vaccinated, you can stop waiting. 6 million children in our country, ages five to 11 are vaccinated. Get your children protected today. Now, for those parents out there who have a child that's too young to be vaccinated, that is under the age of five, I know this can still be a scary time, but one thing you can and must do while we await vaccines for children under five, get yourself fully vaccinated and boosted as well as those around you, your children, your caregivers, your siblings. It's critical to mask up in public indoor places. We know that our youngest children have only rarely been impacted by serious COVID-19 cases, but they can be further predicted if they're surrounded by vaccinated people. And again, to folks who are not vaccinated, you may think you're putting only yourself at risk, but your choice, your choice is not just a choice about you.

It affects other people. You're putting other people at risk, your loved ones, your friends, neighbors, strangers you run into, and your choice can be the difference between life or death. The longer the virus is around a more likely variance form that may be deadlier than the ones that have come before. Let me say again and again and again and again, please get vaccinated. It's the only responsible thing to do. Those who are non-vaccinated are causing hospitals to overrun, become overrun again, I just spoke to the governor of New York. Every COVID-19 hospital means someone with a heart attack, cancer or other serious illness may not get that bed and that life-saving care they need in the hospital. Look, let me give it to you straight again. Omicron is serious, potentially deadly business for unvaccinated people. Let me be clear. Thanks to the Pride Administration and our scientific community, America is one of the first countries to get the vaccine. And thanks to my administration and the hard work of Americans, we let a rollout and made America among the world leaders in getting shots in arms. But uptake slowed this summer as vaccine resistance among some hardened look, the unvaccinated are responsible for their own choices, but those choices have been fueled by dangerous misinformation on cable, TV and social media.

These companies and personalities are making money by peddling lies and allowing misinformation that can kill their own customers and their own supporters. It's wrong. It's immoral. I call on the purveyors of these lies and misinformation to stop it. Stop it. Now, one of the other things that we know that has to be done is more testing. Because omicron spreads easily, especially among the unvaccinated, it's critically important that we know who's infected. That means we need more testing. And in that score, we're now where we should be. Yes, we have over 20,000 free testing sites. Yes, we've used the Defense Production Act and spent $3 billion to greatly expand the number of at-home tests available for purchase online and at your local pharmacy. And yes, we made sure insurance covers the PCR tests you get in the hospital or at your doctor's office, but starting next month, private insurance will also cover at-home testing.

So you can order a test online and get reimbursed for providing access to free at-home tests for those who may have insurance as well may not have insurance, I should say as well, but it's not enough. We have to do more. We have to do better and we will. Starting this week, the federal government will set up emergency testing sites in areas that need additional testing capacity before Christmas. The first several of these federal testing sites will be up and running in New York City with many more to come. This free testing is going to help reduce the waiting lines, the time you have to stand there, and sometimes it's hour or more. We're going to continue to add federal testing sites where needed so that if you want an immediate test, there'll be a place where you can go get it. We also need to do better with at-home testing.

So I'm announcing today the federal government will purchase one half billion, that's not million, billion with a B additional at-Home rapid test with delivery. Starting in January, we'll be getting these tests to Americans for free and we'll have websites where you can get them delivered to your home. We have arranged for it to be easier for you to find free covid testing site near you on Google. Just enter Covid tests near me at the Google search bar and you can find a number of different locations nearby where you can get tested. And we're going to continue to use the Defense Production Act as we did earlier this month to make sure we're producing as many tests and as quickly as possible. The bottom line is it's a lot better than it was, but we're taking even more steps to make it easier to get tested and get tested for free.

Next, we're preparing hospitals for what's coming. Those 40 unvaccinated adults have a good chance of getting COVID-19. And some of you'll get very sick. That'll mean hospitals are going to get extremely stressed, extremely stressed again, both in terms of equipment as well as personnel to care for those who get sick. That's why my administration has stockpiled and preposition millions of gowns, gloves, masks, and ventilators we call A PPP. We're ready to send them immediately to any state that needs more. In addition, I've directed the Pentagon to mobilize an additional 1000 troops to be deployed to help staff local hospitals and expand capacity. That's 1000 military doctors, nurses, and medics who've already started moving military, excuse me, medical teams. They've already landed in Wisconsin, Indiana This week. This is on top of 300 federal medical personnel that are now on the ground having deployed since we learned about Omicron.

Look. While we know staffing is the biggest need for hospitals, some may need more beds as well. We're prepared. I've directed FEMA to activate the National Response Center and begin deploying teams now to provide additional hospital beds. We'll begin to construct emergency capacities near hospitals and parking garages and nearby buildings to be ready if needed. And the federal government is paying for all of this, all of it. Further, FEMA will deploy hundreds of ambulances and EMS crews so that if one hospital fills up, we can transport patients to beds elsewhere. This week, we'll send dozens of ambulances to New York and Maine because the COVID is spreading very rapidly to help transport patients. Our doctors, nurses, hospital staffs have gone above and beyond during this pandemic. The strain and stress is real. I really mean it. It's real. And we'll have their backs though. We have to let them know we have their backs.

Finally, we're making sure that COVID-19 no longer closes businesses or schools. Last week, the federal court reinstated my administration's vaccination or test. The vaccination or test rule for businesses with more than a hundred employees requires employers with a hundred more employees to protect their workers who are onsite and indoors with the requirement that they be vaccinated or tested each week or go home. These rules are going to keep workers safe and keep workers safe will help keep businesses open. The people are vaccinated or tested. They're much less likely to get sick and less likely to spread it to others. Customers are more likely to come in and shop because they know it's a safe environment. I know vaccination requirements are unpopular for many. They're not even popular for those who are anxious to get them, but my administration has put them in place. Not to control your life, but to save your life and the lives of others. Where 400,000 Americans died from Covid this calendar year and almost all were unvaccinated, almost all were preventable.

The rule is legal and effective, and it's going to save thousands of American lives. Must also keep our K 12 schools open. Look, the science is clear and overwhelming. We know how to keep our kids safe from COVID-19. In school, K through 12 schools should be open and that safety is increased. If schools require all adults who work in the schools to get vaccinated and take the safety measure that the CDC has recommended, including masking. I got Congress to pass billions of dollars in school improvements, ventilation and social distancing. School should be safer than ever from COVID-19 and just Friday, the CDC issued a test to stay guidelines so schools can stay open and kids can stay in class. Even if a classmate tests positive COVID-19 is scary, but the science is clear. Children are safe, as safe in schools. They're already placed assuming the appropriate precautions have been taken and they've already been funded.

Lemme close with this. I know you're tired. I really mean this and I know you're frustrated. We all want this to be over, but we're still in it. And this is a critical moment. We also have more tools than we've ever had before. We're ready. We'll get through this as we head into the holidays. Want us to all keep the faith? I want to sincerely thank you for your perseverance, your courage, your countless acts of kindness, love, and sacrifice. During these last two years throughout our history, we've been tested as a people and as a nation. Through war and turmoil. We had ask whether we'd be safe, whether it be okay, whether we get back to who we are. We've always endured because remember, there is no challenge. Too big for America. I mean this from the bottom of heart. No challenge. We've come through better and stronger because we stay together as the United States of America. That's what we have to keep doing today. We can do this together. I guarantee you. May God bless you all and may God protect our troops and happy holidays. God love y'all.

SEPTEMBER 01, 2022

Remarks by President Biden on the Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation

Independence National Historical Park
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

(September 1, 2022)

8:03 P.M. EDT
Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.,,,
Now, I want to be very clear — (applause) — very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans.  Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology.
But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.
And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.  They do not believe in the rule of law.  They do not recognize the will of the people. 
MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards — backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.
That’s why respected conservatives, like Federal Circuit Court Judge Michael Luttig, has called Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans, quote, a “clear and present danger” to our democracy.
MAGA Republicans have made their choice.  They embrace anger.  They thrive on chaos.  They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.
And yet history tells us that blind loyalty to a single leader and a willingness to engage in political violence is fatal to democracy.

We saw law enforcement brutally attacked on January the 6th.  We’ve seen election officials, poll workers — many of them volunteers of both parties — subjected to intimidation and death threats.  And — can you believe it? — FBI agents just doing their job as directed, facing threats to their own lives from their own fellow citizens. 

We can’t allow violence to be normalized in this country.  It’s wrong.  We each have to reject political violence with — with all the moral clarity and conviction this nation can muster. 
Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated.  And that’s where MAGA Republicans are today.  (Applause.)
I will not stand by and watch — I will not — the will of the American people be overturned by wild conspiracy theories and baseless, evidence-free claims of fraud. 
I will not stand by and watch elections in this country stolen by people who simply refuse to accept that they lost.  (Applause.) 
I will not stand by and watch the most fundamental freedom in this country — the freedom to vote and have your vote counted — and — be taken from you and the American people.  (Applause.) 
MAGA Republicans look at America and see carnage and darkness and despair.  They spread fear and lies –- lies told for profit and power. 

I made a bet on you, the American people, and that bet is paying off.  Proving that from darkness — the darkness of Charlottesville, of COVID, of gun violence, of insurrection — we can see the light.  Light is now visible.  (Applause.)
That’s where we need to focus our energy — not in the past, not on divisive culture wars, not on the politics of grievance, but on a future we can build together.
The MAGA Republicans believe that for them to succeed, everyone else has to fail.  They believe America — not like I believe about America. 

But moving beyond the Biden/Harris propaganda, who really are the MAGA people?