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Trump Versus Inverted Totalitarianism

Round II: Saving the Republic

Inverted totalitarianism in the United States evolved from the subtle but seismic shift in which corporate and economic powers learned to exert significant control over governance and societal functions through the corruption of both the political arms of government and the administrative state while maintaining the facade of democratic processes.

Inverted totalitarianism operates through the integration of economic with political power to control the levers of government. This system doesn't require a dictator or a single-party state. It thrives on the undo influence of corporations, financial institutions, the censorship-industrial complex, and the military-industrial complex while maintaining the facade of a democratic process. Corporations and wealthy elites influence policy through lobbying, campaign finance, and the revolving doors between business and government. This all works to ensure policies that favor corporate economic interests over public interest. The apathetic public is placated into compliance through consumerism, media control, censorship, propaganda, and a political system that offers limited choice within a very controlled spectrum of political thought (“Overton window”). Although elections continue, they are constrained to the range of acceptable candidates and solutions, which are limited to those that corporate-controlled MSM supports and pre-selects through processes that are only partially transparent. The Overton window, which describes the range of allowed public discourse, is actively controlled. The result is that the final candidates in significant elections do not threaten corporatist control of government, and legislative actions are massaged to produce bills favorable to the economic interests that control the State.

This leads to people feeling perpetually powerless, resulting in widespread political disengagement or a sense of political despair. The system allows a culture of limited individualism (within allowed boundaries) and promotes consumerism over collective political action through democratic processes.

Continuous threats linked to infectious disease, terrorism, or economic crises are promoted by the government (psychological bioterrorism and disaster cronyism), and corporate entities acting in tandem with the State actively promote security measures and policies that erode civil liberties, all while maintaining a veneer of democracy.

Digital surveillance, surveillance capitalism, social media, and a globalized economy based on the fusion of corporatism with socialism (ergo, 21st-century Fascism) cooperate to entrench the United States into a managed democracy. Democratic processes have become mere formalities in the face of overwhelming globalist power.

“Chevron Deference” refers to a 1984 Supreme Court case that significantly expanded the power and scope of federal agencies by allowing them to interpret and develop new regulatory laws where Congress was not explicit or hadn’t already passed legislation. This ruling expanded the administrative state's power, which has continued to grow unchecked. Hence, rules, regulations, taxes, and penalties have increased exponentially since then. The Supreme Court recently overturned this case, and the consequences of this recent decision have not yet filtered through the Executive Branch administrative state.

State management systems characterized by inverted totalitarianism do not have an authoritarian leader but are instead run by a non-transparent group of bureaucrats. In the United States, at the top of this pyramid of “Deep State” administrative power is the Senior Executive Service, which even has its own flag. This unelected, invisible ruling class runs the country from within. Globalized corporate interests control them due to the lure of powerful and lucrative jobs after federal employment and the capture of our legislative bodies by lobbyists serving concealed corporate interests.

One element of inverted totalitarianism is that the administrative state typically inserts stricter and stricter rules and regulations to control the populace. Not at the behest of Congress or the President, but rather by and for the interests of the administrative state itself. Power begets power. We, the people, are forced into compliance by an unknown and unknowable invisible ruling class, with no way even to understand who, what, or how they are causing this compliance upon us. As if that is not bad enough, in these modern times, the globalist corporations and financial groups have come to play a larger and larger role in controlling this administrative state.

As mentioned, in June 2024, the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision ending the Chevron Deference. If this ruling is utilized well, it could limit the corporatist rule that has come to dominate the United States. But this is just a first step. So much more is needed to break the grasp of inverted totalitarianism that invisibly rules our country.

As November 5th draws near, we must remember what we are fighting for.

As described above, we are living in a "managed democracy" where people are no longer sovereign to themselves but controlled.

It took President Trump and his political appointees years to realize that the United States was now a nation captured by a system of inverted totalitarianism.

From this realization, it took the Trump team a while to develop one partial solution. That was codified in an executive order signed by Trump shortly before his departure in 2020 from the White House, which would have enabled huge progress toward controlling the administrative state's power. This executive order would have created a federal employee category called “Schedule F”. In a practical sense, Schedule F would function by reclassifying senior bureaucrats as “at will” employees.

This new employee classification system would have included federal workers with "confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character " who are "not normally subject to change as the result of a presidential transition." Simply put, it is functionally impossible to fire senior executive federal employees. These administrators are neither politically appointed nor confirmed by the legislative branch. They have become a cabal which makes the rules that uphold the system of inverted totalitarianism, and they cannot be held responsible for their actions. This class of employees can rarely be fired - the joke is they are entirely protected short of committing a felony.

The “Schedule F” executive order would have allowed agencies to reclassify such jobs under a new schedule and give senior (political) managers greater flexibility in hiring candidates and firing employees. Senior federal employees would have become “at-will employees” - just like the rest of us.

The system of at-will employee hiring practices refers to an employment arrangement where both the employer and the employee have the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without cause (not including discrimination), and without advance notice (unless specified otherwise in an employment contract). Federal government employees would no longer have jobs for life regardless of their actions or competency. They would become accountable for their actions as federal employees.

Significantly, the Trump “Schedule F” executive order was one of the first to go when President Biden began his presidency.

The creation of Schedule F would have helped control what is known as the fourth branch of government, otherwise referred to as the administrative state or the permanent bureaucracy.

If Trump wins the presidency, he has indicated that “Schedule F” would be resurrected again.

Of course, Congress needs to codify Schedule F into legislation, making such changes to the federal workforce permanent. Of course, the uni-party, with its reliance on corporate dollars to finance its election campaigns as well as its reliance on lobbying dollars, will be loath to pass such sweeping legislation.

It all comes down to the election this November, not just for the Presidency but also for the balance of power and composition of the US House of Representatives and Senate.

Below is my speech at the “Rescue the Republic’ rally, which was a six-hour long celebration of great speakers, music, and comedy supporting our republic. Estimates of attendance are somewhere around 30,000 - although because people came in and out through the six hours - over all attendance was probably much higher.

Given the hurricane Helene, that number of people attending was phenomenal. Of course, not one word of it was mentioned by the state-sponsored (legacy) media, nor did any reporters from MSM come to the event to conduct interviews. More crickets on the important speeches given throughout the day.

See at 2h 55min

Below is a rough transcript of my speech:

"I just came back from Tokyo where they had a 30,000 person rally because they're about to deploy self-replicating RNA vaccines. Japan is being used as the guinea pigs for the world for this new technology. The Japanese people are calling this the third atomic bomb.

This is being deployed in a cooperative agreement between a US company, Arcturus, an Australian company called CSL, and a Japanese company. Now the CEO of the Japanese company recently gave a press conference. What did he say? He said “if anybody that is spreading misinformation, then we're going to go after them legally, that we're going to try to have them jailed.

That is, if you say anything against their self-replicating RNA vaccine technology that's never been rigorously tested.

  • We don't know if it's going to infect other people.

  • We don't know if it's going to spread.

  • We know it's going to replicate.

  • We don't know if it's going to get into the brain of the elders in Japan.

But we do know that if we say anything about these concerns, the CEO is going to come after us and try to put us in jail.

That's the new world order.

That's what we're coming into. That's what they want to implement on us. They want to shut us down. They want to prevent us from speaking.

They want to completely control the narrative and they want to be able to deploy psychological warfare on all of you to control you, to train you, to respond to the fear narratives about avian influenza and monkeypox and whatever it is they want to deploy next in order to control you, in order to teach you to shut up, sit down, stay in your homes, and do what you're told.

Now I'm not okay with that, I don't think you're okay with that, and I hope that you join all of us in fighting this new tyranny."