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WHO "treaty" fails, Open Border and Immigration Up Next

Moving beyond stereotypes, gaslighting and insults

First British conservative/libertarian politician, thought leader and broadcaster Nigel Farage drew major corporatist UK mainstream media fire for opposing the WHO pandemic “accord” (the not really a “treaty”- treaty).

From “The Guardian”:

The World Health Organization has accused Nigel Farage of spreading misinformation after he launched a campaign to block an international treaty designed to improve global pandemic preparedness.

WHO member states are negotiating a deal to shore up cooperation against new pathogens. If adopted, the legally binding treaty would commit countries to helping each other in the event of a pandemic, increase research and sharing of data, and promote fair access to vaccines.

But populist figures including Farage and a number of Tory MPs are lobbying the UK government to block the deal, claiming that it will give the WHO power to enforce lockdowns on countries, dictate policy on mask wearing and control vaccine stocks.

Farage is fronting the campaign group Action on World Health (AWH), which was registered on Companies House last week.

The AWH’s website lists supporters including the Tory MPs Henry Smith, Philip Davies and David Jones, as well as peers and others. Companies House filings show that it has three directors including the barrister Paul Diamond, whose work has included high-profile cases on behalf of socially conservative Christians and cases where the use of vaccines has been disputed.

Visitors to the AWH’s site are helped to locate and lobby their MP using template “suggested text” emails that claim the WHO treaty will “strip away” the UK’s decision-making powers.

The potency of what some on the right view as a potential new “wedge issue” was underlined in contributions by Tory backbenchers such as Philip Hollobone, who echoed populist language by describing the WHO as being under the influence of “the global elite” and urging against the UK backing the treaty.

The UK health minister Andrew Stephenson urged MPs in parliament this week to dismiss what he described as myths being spread about the treaty, which the UK is considering whether or not to support.

Lockdown mandates are not part of the deal and a claim by Farage that the treaty would require countries to give away 20% of their vaccines was “simply not true”, said Stephenson.

His comments were echoed by the WHO directly. Responding to AWH’s claims, a spokesperson said a draft of the treaty reaffirmed “the principle of sovereignty” of member states.

“Claims that the draft agreement will cede sovereignty to WHO and will give the WHO secretariat power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries are false and have never been requested nor proposed. This agreement will not, and cannot, grant sovereignty to WHO.”

Farage, who denies that the campaign is sharing misinformation, claimed the UK government was “running scared” and that Conservative MPs had “suddenly been shouting” about the treaty on Wednesday.

“The governing party are very scared of me and of anything that would look like a surrender of sovereignty after Brexit. I’m trying to bring to the public’s attention something that is not being debated – that’s what I have done throughout my career – and I think we are getting traction already,” he said.

“This may not be a campaign with mass populist appeal but we can influence the government’s position when they get to Geneva in a couple of weeks time.

Some might snipe that Nigel is a bit late to the party, and certainly groups like former (Reagan) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Frank Gaffney’s “Sovereignty Coalition” as well as individual physician thought leaders such as Dr. Kat Lindley and Dr. Meryl Nass deserve a lot of credit for months and months of hard work researching, defining and publicizing the obscure and often hidden details of the effort to reward the WHO with additional powers and funding for its abysmal performance and chronic manipulative dishonesty during the COVID crisis. But lets not quibble. Mr. Farage helped raise awareness of the key issues at a critical time, and for that we should all be grateful.

Nigel Farage, as in the case of UKIP and Brexit, once again stood back, watched, and then took a stand on a controversial topic - which seems to be almost unheard of (aside from the lonely “voice in the wilderness” of Andrew Bridgen) in today’s British politics. And whether or not his actions played a role, the WHO pandemic accord negotiations have apparently collapsed right before the scheduled crucial vote today- which happens to be the US Federal holiday set aside to memorialize the service of military veterans who fought and died to defend freedom. Yet another coincidence suggestive of divine intervention.

In any case, apparently the WHO negotiations have failed to meet a self-imposed two-year deadline, and the “treaty” will not proceed to a ratification vote today - but not due to concerns about empowering the unelected WHO with enhanced “New World Order” globalist powers to trample on individual and national sovereignty whenever it feels the need to declare a health crisis (anthropomorphic Global Warming, for example).

Turning for a moment to Japans NHK news to help make sense of the official narrative being used to explain this failure, we see that the approved narrative is that the collapse was merely due to an intellectual property and commerce dispute between have and have-not countries. Nothing to do with WHO incompetence, corruption, overreach, or the tension between national sovereignty and arbitrary unelected “One World Order” globalism.

Member states of the World Health Organization have failed to meet a deadline on consensus for a global treaty to fight future pandemics in time. They plan to discuss measures going forward at the WHO general assembly that starts in Switzerland next week.

The WHO members began talks two years ago based on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Negotiators had discussed ways to strengthen global anti-infection measures to prevent the spread of new viruses.

But negotiations ended on Friday without adopting a document.

The sticking points included the transfer of technologies and the sharing of information about pathogens.

Developing countries demanded the distribution of vaccines, but developed nations expressed concerns about the impact that could have on their pharmaceutical firms.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called for continued negotiations, saying, "We need to use the World Health Assembly to re-energize us and finish the job at hand, which is to present the world with a generational pandemic agreement."

In opposition to the WHO/Globalists vow to press on, a major protest is planned in Geneva, Switzerland on June 01, 2024 to push back against all of this. Jill and I are flying out (at our own expense) this week, will be there for the rally and meetings, and we hope that you can join us there! I plan to speak briefly in support of nationalism, the diversity of nations, sovereignty, the EU founding principle of subsidiarity, and against the global rise of corporatism, which was previously known as Fascism in an earlier age.

THE ROAD TO GENEVA see video over on Substack

But now Nigel has really jumped the shark.

Nigel Farage has also taken a stance concerning the effects of open border policies on British culture, and the predictable trolls and smear tactic peddlers are having a field day.

In what reads like a remarkably restrained statement, Farage actually spoke the forbidden words (in Europe and the UK) on Sky News - "We have a growing number of young people in this country who do not subscribe to British values... We see them on the streets of London every Saturday".

VIDEO PROOF on Substack

And just as we have come to expect, these words immediately brought forth legions of self-appointed thought police swinging their … like a metal baton. Well, just read the pseudonym of this insightful Narcissist/twatterati and you can fill in the blank. I think that the old school polite British term would be “member”.

Maybe Tedros could declare Narcissism a global public health emergency? And then Pfizer/Moderna could announce the race to develop an mRNA vaccine for NPD and resolve this crisis. But would the Biden administration fund and mandate it? Or would we need to wait for Trump to get reelected? A paradox wrapped in a contradiction. Calling Bobby! Clean up on aisle 3.

Andy Ngo, hardly a voice of the so-called ‘far right”, responded to the ensuing corporate media and twatterati outrage tempest with a simple fact.

But getting serious for a moment, what do the globalists and UN Agenda 2030 supporters think will happen as they continue to deploy their unrestricted immigration and ethnic replacement agenda wrapped up in the pretty justification that it is a fundamental human right to live wherever you wish. “C’mon man”, as Brandon likes to say. Get real.

Have you ever spent any time thinking this particular crazy through to its logical conclusions? Property rights are meaningless under such a system. Centuries old cultures risk being overrun and replaced in less than a generation.

This is not just another round of trivial pursuit across the pond. What we have here is another situation where European trends will soon be coming to American shores. Thanks, Brandon.

Just to illustrate the point, I was told by a recent visitor from Portugal over dinner the other night that 20% of the current Portuguese population has recently immigrated from the Middle east, Indian subcontinent, and Africa. Little Portugal is getting swamped, and has already lost much of what made it “UNESCO” culturally unique. The same holds for virtually every other European Union nation. Europe, the UK, and Ireland are rapidly losing their cultural identities - which most of the rest of the world used to think were worth preserving.

And anyone who dares to question this policy of rapid cultural replacement is subjected to a barrage of psychological warfare and censorship-industrial complex assault- including coordinated public shaming (“Far right”, “Neo-Nazi”, “Racist” etc.) coupled to attempts to de-platform, de-employ, de-bank and de-monitize them. And good luck resisting that, fellow independent thinkers. The courts just do not care. If you have lots of money to throw down the garbage disposal of the US legal system, you might be able to fight this to something like a temporary truce, but the forces that be come at you like flood waters. The rising tide just finds another route to have its way with you.

And speaking as one who has been experiencing this sort of thing on a daily basis for over three years now, I can assure you that the ability of the forces which support government (or transnational) narratives to deploy coordinated defamatory tactics/strategies and all their other PsyWar weaponry is truly awesome. Personally, I now refuse to travel to Canada, Brazil or Germany. The risk of arrest or worse is just too high. Just a matter of time before the Stripe/Substack axis pulls the financial rug out. Tick, tick, tick….

But what are they thinking, these financially over-endowed masters of the western world, who decide for us what is to be done with that which they presume to own and manage like some ancestral estate?

Are they blind to the likely blowback?

Massive, unrestricted, intentional injection of young, predominantly uneducated (or non-indoctrinated, depending on your POV) men and women from densely populated and economically “underdeveloped” countries and regions. Regions with drastically different cultures and world views flooding into western countries previously populated by generally older cohorts who value their existing national cultures. Indigenous cultures built upon centuries (in some cases millennia) of hard fought consensus regarding the rules guiding how to co-exist. These policies are bound to result in civil unrest and economic disruption. What clear-thinking mandarin would expect anything different?

And keep in mind that those populations and cultures currently inhabiting the west have been subjected to decades of targeted social engineering and “nudge” manipulations designed to discourage reproduction, under the theory that it is necessary for western societies to flatline or (optimally) decrease their populations to reduce Malthusian impacts on the environment. In other words, they were propagandized to not have big families for the common good. And, by God, it worked! Almost every western nation now finds itself dealing with the consequences of this myopic do-gooder social engineering propaganda. And now the reality of population decline is economically biting the hands that have engineered it. Whats to be done, if you are one of the self-anointed financial masters of the western world? Why, just import new workers! Problem solved! At least enough of them to carry you over until your growing AI/transhuman robot capabilities can make them evolutionarily obsolete. As if human beings are just another interchangeable cog in a postindustrial machine.

Mark my words, no matter how much propaganda, how much PsyWar technology the globalist overlords throw at this, there will be significant social unrest. The only question in my mind is whether the constant barrage of manufactured crises will succeed in numbing these existing older populations into a state of psychological exhaustion, so that they just roll over and accept the wholesale destruction and replacement of the unique cultures and infrastructure which they and their ancestors have developed over centuries.

Or will this all explode, resulting in some sort of a Mad Max dystopia as the endpoint? Which will not be in the economic interests of the overlords.

What I am confident of is that those who think that they can engineer and plan a “Great Reset” or “New World Order” employing open borders have not thought this through. As the blowback to their grand “Agenda 2030” plans becomes more apparent, they will reach for every propaganda and PsyWar trick at their disposal in a desperate attempt to suppress pushback to their cultural replacement plans.

And on the other side, experienced “populist” leaders like Nigel Farage will bide their time, watching, waiting for the political opportunity to catalyze a counterrevolution. As well they should.

Because why should the current indigenous inhabitants of western countries allow themselves and their children to be overrun and replaced by people from densely populated, economically underdeveloped regions and nations? Because of the long history of colonialism and imperialism imposed on those underdeveloped regions by the new royalty- the inheritors of generational wealth who have benefitted from these same colonial and imperial policies? And who are now actively promoting a new “Green Colonialism/Imperialism”?

I am told that Africans have a saying; “when the elephants fight, the mice hide”. Have you noticed how the “prepper” point of view of seeking a “bugout” refuge is looking more and more …. adaptive?

If you take the long view, this is all the consequence of celebrating and rewarding the narcissism of elites.

Maybe what we really we need is a vaccine for elite narcissism.

Jab the rich could become the new barricades battlecry.

Bonfire of the vanities, on a globalist scale.

Burn baby burn.

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