“Cancel Me Baby!”

Dr.s Jill and Robert Malone with Show Host Taylor Ferber

Below are highlights from the Interview:

Taylor Ferber: Pat Benatar once said, in a very poetic way, "Hit me with your best shot." Well, guess what? Here on Cancel Me Baby - today we're going to take that quite very literally. Okay? So I have with me a name you may have heard of, and if you haven't, I do not ... I truly don't know where you've been and I don't want to know. Okay? But we have the world renowned scientist, physician, and architect of the mRNA vaccine Technology, Dr. Robert Malone -

Dr. Malone, well he broke the internet harder than Kim Kardashian. When he was on Joe Rogan, he was causing all kinds of a stir. He is basically the king of cancel culture. His Wikipedia page literally says that he spread misinformation. I kid you not, during the pandemic, during COVID, he was just completely smeared, taken off social media. Yet he holds numerous patents in vaccines, both domestically and globally.

And I'm going to say we have a special twist here because talk to me, Taylor. We don't do it like everybody else. Okay? So we also have Dr. Malone's brains behind his operation and his partner in crime, his longtime wife, business partner, the Bonnie to his Clyde, Dr. Jill Malone. Let me tell you a little bit about Jill.

She has a PhD in public policy with an emphasis on Biotechnology. She's a founder of multiple biotech companies and she has expertise in immunology, infectious disease outbreaks.

So we are going to have a fun time today because it's not a typical thing to see you both together. And I will say you're both looking dapper. Robert, I'm going to assume you're in your Wednesday best for not only me, but for your fine lady here.

Dr. Robert Malone: Oh, well, she set the standard, she put on this lovely silk coat that she bought in Istanbul, and so I had to put on a jacket so I wasn't slumming it, otherwise I was in a T-shirt.

Taylor Ferber: Exactly. When I met you both, I had this idea. I thought we're always used to seeing Robert on center stage, and I really appreciate the boldness and the voice that he brought into the COVID and the pandemic conversation.

But it is time to give Jill the spotlight. So don't worry, Robert, you're going to have your say, but let's have the lady take this center stage, shall we? So let's get right to it. You guys, welcome to the show. I'm really excited.

Dr. Jill Malone: Thank you.

Dr. Robert Malone: Cool.

Taylor Ferber: So Jill, I was so impressed because you really ... when I say the brains behind the operation, right, you really, I mean, you told me about how you are up at 5:00 AM writing Substack articles, and you said to me,

"Even when Robert is in the center this whole media storm, I just don't need the recognition. I know what were trying to do, I know what he's about. I don't need the accolades. It is about getting the truth out there.”


Dr. Jill Malone: That's right.

Taylor: But with that being said, how was that whole experience for you in the height of it? And has your husband, Dr. Malone, changed in all of this? He's become this internet medical celebrity.

Dr. Jill Malone: No he hasn't changed at all, really.

How was it at first? It was frustrating. It was horrifying - as the misinformation by our government, by media, spread about him. Then it got worse, as he got more notoriety for speaking out about the safety issues with the vaccine. The propaganda was intense, for instance his Wikipedia page was wiped and rewritten. The (Wiki) pages on RNA and DNA vaccines were rewritten to take his name out of it. And those were early, early events and it was terrible. There was nothing that anyone could do, that we could do.

And except for basically fighting back by making sure that Robert's voice was heard, by getting his voice out there, by doing podcasts, by writing.

Then he was banned from LinkedIn. And at that time he was so careful to use peer-reviewed papers to make his points on LinkedIn and Twitter. So he wouldn't go out and just put out statements. He would always try to back up his point by finding quotes from peer reviewed journals ... because at that time, anything you said that was against the vaccines, you would get wiped.

And so for a long time we played that game. But even still eventually he did get banned from LinkedIn and then from Twitter. Twitter was done almost to the day of his Joe Rogan interview. They took him off on the day he was being interviewed by Rogan. So there's good indication that they knew that interview was happening and wiped him just before it went live.

So it was terrible and terrifying to see his reputation get damaged. At that point, early on we were still consulting for businesses and governments and we lost all contracts. They're all gone. We had to shut that business down. And it was a business that we'd had for 20 years. I mean, we support ourselves now with Substack and some speaking engagements, but that's it.

Taylor: It's so sad and it's so frightening. And I don't think people quite realize the magnitude of this because people will always say, "Cancel culture is a hoax. It's not really real." What I don't think people realize is what you just hit on. We see it in pop culture. We even see it in journalism where if a journalist has an unpopular point of view or is digging into something that's not convenient to the powers that be, suddenly their editors, their coworkers isolate them and ostracize them. They go, it's like the Hunger Games.

Dr. Jill Malone: So many of the podcasts now are conducted by ex-Fox anchor people, ex CNN people, etc. People who've been canceled by major media companies because they had “wrong think” during an interview and they were basically fired or their contracts were let go. Then they can't get another job in the industry and they end up being podcasters. And it's really horrible.

Taylor: And the sad part, you both are obviously ... if anyone were to question your authority, your intellectual superiority, the wall behind you (hanging diplomas and patents) says it right there. But what frightens me is why free speech in medicine and in my world (pop culture) are being cancelled. Everybody should be concerned because we are trying to inform and innovate, which both of you have done and move forward. So, we have these authorities and the establishment-

Dr. Jill Malone: who demand homogenized thought basically across the world, which is just scary.

Taylor: Everybody should be concerned. And I actually just had Matt Taibbi, the leading journalist of the Twitter files on my show, and he said, "Digging into all this, whoever ... it's like. The Oz behind the curtain, whatever Twitter intern that day has that kind of awesome power to shut up someone like either of you.” That's scary.

So Robert, I want to pivot to you. Going through all of this, given that Jill really has been a backbone for you in more ways than one, in business and in medicine and what you're trying to do in your message and all this, right? During the height of all this, what would you say was the best advice that she gave you to keep your cool, keep your shit together, so to speak, and keep it moving and stay the course?

Dr. Robert Malone: Well, her council is daily. We're really, after being married for going on 45 years and together before that, we're high school sweethearts. We have become two as one, and we share all our thoughts. As she was discussing with you, our morning routine, is the dogs wake us up, we feed them, we have a cup of coffee and we start talking about the daily events and what we are going to write on Substack.

Early on, because there's been a series of discreet changes over time. Rogan being a key pivot. Before that, the Steve Kirsch Dark Horse Podcast event. And before that, it was the decision to respond to the really malicious defamation and censorship and attempts to write me out of history.

I don't like conflict, it's honest truth. My bias was when this was happening to just say, "Oh, well they're assholes and fighting this is a losing battle." And Jill insisted that we engage. And in fact, she was the one that wrote a ... we had a large box of data that I kept from the Salk Institute and Vical back in the eighties and nineties. And by the way, just a little comment on your lead in, I didn't engineer this particular (COVID) vaccine, I just have a whole army of haters that assert that. And I just want to make that clear.

I was involved in the development of the core technology platform back in the late eighties and early nineties, not for this particular (COVID) vaccine. But Jill insisted that we make an issue out of this and not go along. What she did was she dragged out a large box of data that we kept, move after move after move, over the decades, and plowed through it and pulled out, basically, what you could call it the receipts. The actual primary documents of my invention disclosures and the patent filings and the patent that was filed at the Salk, as well all of other early patents.

Dr. Jill Malone: So Robert was involved in the invention of mRNA vaccines (as a technology), but not in these particular coronavirus “vaccines”.

So what transpired with the COVID vaccine, including the clinical trials, issues with the lipid nanoparticle that they were using and all of the preclinical data; we were not privy to any of that.

Dr. Robert Malone: The bioethics.

Dr. Jill Malone: The bioethics. And we assumed that it was done correctly and that the safety trials had been done - both preclinical and clinical. And so at that point, I was writing from the fact that this big marketing campaign had occurred, and we were, at that point, we had no reason to be suspicious of these mRNA vaccines.

We assumed that the toxicology issues that we had run into were resolved. The truth is that we abandoned this technology in 2000 because we had toxicology issues -such as inflammation. So we abandoned this line of research 20 some years ago. But we had assurances that these problems had been solved. Someone (Dr. Peter Marks) at the the FDA assured Robert that these were no longer issues. And then what happened was, for the audience that doesn't know, then Robert got the preclinical data package that was submitted in Japan-

Dr. Robert Malone: From Dr. Byran Bridle.

Dr. Jill Malone: That preclinical data package showed that there were safety signals, there was adverse events in the mice or rats - toxicology issues. And that when we started digging.

Taylor: I had said this in the thick of it, and from the beginning. Number one, the blind push to just mandate this. I'm a libertarian in this sense; don't tell me what to do. But my big issue was the fact that we have people like you who have obviously devoted your life's work to this very thing. You obviously are authority figures in this. And yet, because it goes against whatever, whoever is in authority that day, you can't even be heard?

That to me is wild. I had said at the time, are we in a time machine? Is this Marty McFly? How could we possibly know how this is going to affect us two years down the line, five years down the line? We don't know. Given that Jill really did give you the push to speak up, I know I'm not trying to make light of this topic, and I know the pandemic was so serious and rocked all of our lives, and I know obviously this is a very serious issue, but did you ever have fun? Was there ever a fun part of it that was like, this is really fulfilling actually, as shitty as this is?

Dr. Jill Malone: The cohort of physicians and scientists that the Pandemic Health Alliance and others who we went with to speaking engagements. Well, they became family and we did have some fun. It wasn't all bad. There's true. And the truth is also that Robert and I are both, we get off on using our brains and thinking and writing. And so there's a lot of joy in creation, in putting things together and discovering.

And just to say it, we no longer can trust public health and the FDA. Our whole careers have been spent supporting government organizations for which we have lost all faith. We have lost all faith.

Taylor: Wow. You have devoted your life. And so if you're saying this, what does that mean for the rest of us? Right? That's serious and that's concerning.

Dr. Jill Malone: It is serious.

Taylor: And would you say, because obviously this became such a divisive issue and it permeated through politics, culture, entertainment, right? We started seeing celebrities like Jane Fonda push for people to get vaccinated.

Dr. Robert Malone: They were paid. So this is one of the key things that you just observed. The propaganda campaign and the purchasing of influencers, including musicians and other high profile influencer types was harmonized and simultaneous. It was involved cash, a massive amount of cash, and it happened all across the world, all at the same time with the same strategy, reinforcing the same messaging. You would see the same messaging all across the world being propagated.

Taylor: Again, the fact that misinformation is splattered on your Wikipedia. How does it make sense for someone who has been a part of developing said technology, who had gotten the vaccine, how could you be anti-vax, right? But you're smeared and written off as some crazy right wing nut job. Now with that said-

Dr. Robert Malone: Well, because truth is irrelevant in this environment and there's absolutely no ethical boundaries. This is fifth generation warfare, which I lecture about constantly.

There are no ethical boundaries for them. It's all based on the utilitarian concept that the ends justify the means. So they will say or do anything. And basically what we've had is the captured corporate media linked together with the administrative state. Both of which have kind of fused with the intelligence community globally - particularly in the western nations. Then they have assimilated the ethics of the intelligence community, which are basically no ethics at all. Any group that is quite willing to assassinate and undermine governments and manipulate election results, et cetera, internationally, basically has no ethics compared to what you or I might have.

Taylor: So with that being said because somebody listening could go, "You went out and you didn't get vaccine and you killed my grandma." And they hear you say the CIA, the government, the media are all involved now, then when it was at the height of it, and even now had my theories, I said,

"This is about control. Let's not overlook big pharma and profits and money rightly." But for somebody like that who just can't see anything else, what would be the incentive for that kind of control and that power?

Dr. Jill Malone: Power and access. So when you look at the Twitter fires and you look at, you had .mil, you had .gov, I don't know what the CIA ending is for their emails. But you also had .NIH, .HHS, then you had .CDC, and then you had all these media people plus social media and they were all communicating with each other. They were inviting each other out to lunch. There were cocktail parties. Media was gaining access to government like they'd never had before. And that's a really powerful thing for media. Not to mention the amount of advertising. The Congress allocated at one point a billion dollars to the CDC for basically giving out to media and a lot more money than that has been documented. Media profited enormously from government during this.

Dr. Robert Malone: At a time when their business model is failing, the corporate media business model is failing.

Dr. Jill Malone: So, look at their money trail. Basically as they've lost revenue from subscriptions, they've gained money from government. It's really dangerous.

Taylor: I left California during the pandemic because of all the shutdowns. So - Gavin Newsom, how am I supposed to make a living, sir? But also we would see the Chicago mayor, we see Gavin Newsom out fine dining. But we're all masked up and at home. So again, the Hunger Games - the hypocrisy is rampant.

Dr. Jill Malone: The hypocrisy and the lack of common sense was crazy.

Taylor: I will say, and obviously I had a problem with all of this from the beginning and was vocal about it from the beginning.

They want to keep people scared. They want to keep people vaccinated and at home and debilitated and not in the workforce. They shut down your business so you're completely dependent on the government. Does that ever go a little too far? Was it that calculated by the powers that be? What do you think?

Dr. Jill Malone: Robert and I argue this all the time about just what was the motivation?

Dr. Robert Malone: So it's the main focus of our book that we co-wrote. That book being Lies My Gov’t Told Me and the Better Future Coming, and a lot of the focus of that book is to figure out who is the puppet master, what's behind all this, but also what's the motivations. Ernst Wolf was one of the early champions of the theory that there was a financial agenda involving the central banks and the Bank of International Settlements that has to do with moving the population towards central bank digital currency and a more digitized world with massive information collection along the lines of the Chinese model. That's the reveal is-

Taylor: Control.

Dr. Robert Malone: Control, power, economic power, imperialism, that's all wrapped up together in this thing.

Taylor: And isn't it interesting to ... not to sound like an extremist, but how so many “quote” conspiracies, such as the lab league theory that got you banned as nuts, that you were unethical. Then ... you go in that aforementioned time machine and they prove to be true. So speaking to this, I want to pivot a little bit to the pop culture and the cultural level of all of this.

So like I said at the time I was very vocal and even what you both have said, which is it was too rushed, right? We don't know. We don't know how this will affect our bodies, our population - X amount of years down the line. In Hollywood of course, where it is very much authoritarian. They had vax mandates everywhere from the crew member to the janitor, the actors-

Dr. Robert Malone: And remember China owns a large fraction of the “Hollywood” studios.

Taylor: Remember Letitia Wright of Black Panthers fame? She retweeted something that was just asking a question, being skeptical. It could have been one of your tweets. And I basically retweeted her being like, right. So it went down the chain. Sure enough, all of this shady shit starts happening, right? It's like she's suspended from the project. So that's just one again, pop culture, Hollywood example of how they will shut you up and shut you out.

Now we are seeing people, young, healthy people, athletes, entertainers, randomly drop from freak things, such as cardiac arrest. I'm just going to name a few. We have NFL player, DeMar Hamlin who collapsed on the field, LeBron James' son, Bronny James, even Hailey Bieber had a stroke. We have an entertainer right now, Tori Kelly, who is I believe in the hospital, had collapsed - with blood clots.

So with that being said, I think it's natural for people like myself to draw these conclusions and go, huh, that's weird. Why are all these young people just dropping now? Are we nuts? Is there a parallel to be made here?

Dr. Robert Malone: You're not nuts. Just to put a little bit of a timeline on this. Early in the outbreak as the vaccine was being developed (during the early roll-out) and the initial clinical trials were happening, I was in a weekly contact with three very senior people within the FDA that were outside of the review branch. For insiders that's kind of important. So they were in the office of the chief scientist and the office of the director. One of them was the most senior clinical reviewer at the FDA at the time. So these are senior folks, MD, PhD types, et cetera.

They were very frustrated. We were all very frustrated about the obfuscation and suppression of what was then known to be the (genetic vaccine associated) adverse events of reactivation of latent DNA viruses, ergo shingles, EBV, et cetera. And the myocarditis- and the CDC and FDA denied that myocarditis signal existed. They had detected it because they were using some new statistical approaches together with a gentleman that works for Oracle, the Oracle lead biostatistician, who would you think knows something about biostatistical analysis of data and absolutely does.

And they had pulled out this myocarditis signal. The US HHS (Health and Human Services) infrastructure denied that that existed. So out of frustration, they went to Israel and the Israeli database group and disclosed their findings. And at the time there was this belief that the Israeli data was the only good data, as the CDC has acknowledged that they didn't have any good database to capture these signals.

And so the Israelis, once they were given the heads-up, ran the numbers just for myocarditis and pericarditis and said, "Holy moly, there it is." And then they notified the CDC and then the CDC verified it, and that was the original identification of that signal. And then there was this huge media campaign to deny the truth and to obfuscate which blocked patient informed consent about the potential risks.

The next event was that the Washington Post acquired a CDC slide deck that was apparently leaked to them very early on. I analyzed that slide deck and it showed that the vaccines were so leaky that there was no way we would ever be able to achieve herd immunity using the vaccines. And they knew it about two years ago, despite Tony Fauci's various lies over time. I wrote about this early on.

So there was that. They knew about the myocarditis early on and they continued to deny it. We did have one of the bastions of pro-vaccine defense, one of the anointed vaccinologists, Paul Offit come out recently in a podcast in which he acknowledged that myocarditis and pericarditis were causatively linked to the genetic vaccines. In other words, that the vaccines were causing these things. But he still came up with a limited hangout. He said, "Well, maybe this is due to autoimmune disease."

That theory is about two years old and it is not consistent with the data. So basically what he did was float the most benign explanation. "

Oh, we couldn't possibly have known this because it's an autoimmune phenomenon. It takes a long time to detect that."

That's a lie. The fact that you see these elevated cardiac enzymes within hours after the jab shows that it is a direct cardiotoxicity associated with the particles themselves. It's not any autoimmune based phenomena that's going on. Not to mean that that doesn't happen.

Dr. Robert Malone: And it also happens in terms of blood clotting this thrombotic thrombocytopenia.

Dr. Jill Malone: There's a lot of good evidence that if you have lean muscle, that you have low body fat, that you're going to be hit harder with myocarditis. There's a reason why the CDC said, "Oh, if you just got vaccinated, you shouldn't go exercise for two weeks or whatever."

Taylor: Interesting.

Dr. Robert Malone: That a red light.

Taylor: Can we just talk about, I remember again at the height of this you mentioned Fauci, Dr. Malone, who also who is the biggest media whore next to Kim Kardashian. He would literally take every MSNBC spot. He said that amazing quote, “I am the science."

Dr. Robert Malone: Don't forget the quotes that came from the World Economic Forum in the UN.

Dr. Jill Malone: It was UN.

Dr. Robert Malone: “We own the science”.

Dr. Jill Malone: That was their response as to why they should censor via Google and to also put their rankings and rankings that promote the vaccine at the top of search results.

Taylor: If that's not 1984-

Dr. Jill Malone: “We own the science”.

Taylor: If that's not 1984, I don't know what is, because science is not the rule. It is expanding, changing, evolving,

Dr. Jill Malone: Just say for nonbelievers, there are plenty of peer reviewed papers that show this (the adverse events associated with the vaccine). If you go to pubmed.gov and try and search things, it's very difficult because there are so many papers on COVID now. But there are literally hundreds if not thousands of papers on adverse events from these vaccines.

Taylor: Now Dr. Malone, really quickly back to Fauci, had you ever been in the same room with him since all this started? Because I would love to be a fly on the wall to watch that.

Dr. Robert Malone: Not since it started. I've kind of crossed swords with him in some public forums over time, particularly over Zika. And I have been in his office and met him. He doesn't remember that according to some subpoenaed documents that were obtained from FOIA. And he claims he didn't know who I was. I think probably he knows now; but so Tony…. I've had to live under the shadow of Tony Fauci my entire professional career.

Taylor: Oh my God.

Dr. Robert Malone: I started in 83 really doing virology research as the laboratory that I was in at UC Davis was one of the ones that was at the lead of identifying that a retroviruses were associated with AIDS. Fauci, I don't know a better metaphor than he acts like a mafioso. He acts like the Godfather. He runs an extended network of associates, which he keeps at heel quite close or has historically through his control of massive amounts of funding.

And then his operational arm, we were the one to break this story, I went into the federal database because I know the various nefarious ways of searching things out in Govie land and pulled up the phone numbers and listings for all of his media personnel that report directly to him. These are just the people that reported to Tony Fauci. I think there was 65 full-time employees dedicated to Fauci and managing-

Dr. Jill Malone: His media.

Dr. Robert Malone: His media. And then there was like 12 or 13 associated with managing the Hill. So that shows you the relative balance when as you say, you called him a media whore. I wouldn't object to that characterization, but it was supported by a army that any newsroom would be proud of.

Taylor: I made fun of it at the time as it being very much in the Hollywood press circuit. And I would literally get press releases where it would be announcing anevent at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles (or where ever) honoring Dr. Anthony Fauci. I'm like, you truly can't make this shit up. But I will say as an Italian, Tony Fauci does not speak for the rest of us. He does not represent us.

Dr. Jill Malone: Our government is heavily involved in research for human augmentation for military uses. So when we talk about Neuralink, they're not doing it because they feel sorry for the injured veteran who has a spinal injury. The true reason they're doing it is because they want to augment our troops because they believe that the CCP is augmenting their troops. So they want to have neural links, they want to have ways to control computers using a brain interface. They want to have sensors in our skin that can work with an exoskeleton.

They're designing some crazy stuff, and this is reality. And what really bothers me about this is another runaway technology where, yes, they have an IRB looking at the safety of the clinical trial, but nobody's out there looking at whether this is good for society, whether this is good for mankind, whether it's good that we're going to be ... that our brains, that we're going to be able to interface directly with a computer. There's a dystopian future that's been pushed at us through cyber punk and media -such as the Marvel films. Just think about Ironman - no one questions whether these technologies being used for warfare are actually going to be good for mankind.

And how much of this is being driven by our military and the CIA in terms of this messaging in media? I think we really have to look at it. Personally, I've gotten to the point where I question everything. And there's no question that human augmentation is a large part of military research right now.

Dr. Robert Malone: It's a large part of what the WEF and Yuval Harari describe as the fourth industrial revolution - the fusion of man and machines. That is explicitly an objective.

Dr. Jill Malone: And almost nobody's asking us (the general population) about this.

Taylor: I think that true to my beliefs and my core, my work, people need to, we need to question authority. We need to hold them accountable. We need everybody to be heard because the alternative is not good. Now, very last question because unfortunately I do have to let you go, is with all of this being said, what are you hopeful about?

Dr. Jill Malone: I hope that we're going to get through this and find some way forward. And I think one way I'm hopeful is rural and less urban communities are very much awake to this stuff. And I think there are many states that are protecting themselves. Luckily in the United States, states have sovereignty over federal government unless it's specifically laid out. My hope is our constitution. It's why I've really turned into a constitutionalist, as in the end, what is going to save us.

Dr. Robert Malone: So my take on this is a little darker.

I think we're in for some really choppy waters for quite a while. It's my belief that it's going to get worse before it gets better. And that one way forward for many people who are awake (as opposed to woke) and remembering that historically there's lots of research in psychology, behavioral research showing that

  • About 75% of the population is readily suggestible. So they're easily hypnotized.

  • And particularly 25% are highly suggestible.

  • Only about 25% of the population is resistant to these kinds of psyop manipulations.

  • And typically only about five to 10% of the population really wants to be free.

So if you're in ... and I'm sorry, but Taylor, you probably are in that minority based on what you're doing here.

And so for those of us who are in that minority, as Mathias Desmet teaches. If we don't want the rest of the culture to go even deeper in crazy land, we have to speak out. Even though they will attack us.

Taylor: One hundred percent.

Dr. Robert Malone: It's going to get a little rough, and we have to be willing to stand our ground. And we also have to find ways to connect with each other to build communities. And this is the logic of intentional communities, whether they're at a distance and we're tied together because of common interests or perspective like what we're sharing right now. Or local communities like we have here in semi-rural Virginia where we depend and interact on each other and build a network of capabilities. Which is more of an Amish way of life - with a little more self-reliance.

Jill and I have literally homesteaded our current farm. We own it completely. We're debt free. We own the tractor, we own the truck, we own everything completely paid off, including the farm and our home. And that is a model that a lot of people are starting to go to because the banking system is at the center of a lot of this control. And it is absolutely being weaponized more and more - and on an incremental daily basis.

We're seeing it. Nigel Farage was just one example. The Canadian truckers was another example. And we're seeing this propagated down to the levels of folks like you and me. So that's I think the silver lining here is that we can now see their hand. For those of us that are willing to try to maintain our freedom, because we can't live without it, we have to start building intentional communities and building up infrastructure to allow us to survive this coming storm.

Taylor: Exactly. And it's a pivotal moment right now, and obviously I appreciate the work you're doing. I know here on my end with my little Cancel Me, Baby we are not to be shut up and you got to go through hell to get to paradise. So I agree. I think the silver lining is there.

Taylor: Love it, love it. Well, thank you both so much. So enlightening and thoughtful and fun. And I will let you and your wall of accolades go and keep speaking out.

Dr. Robert Malone: Thanks for having us on.

Dr. Jill Malone: Thank you.


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