The Big Fear

Existential crisis and extinction boundary risks


Victims of bubonic plague in a mass grave from 1720 and 1721 in Martigues, France.

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.

-Frank Herbert, “Dune”

In a continuing quest to comprehend our collective trauma and madness, those who are awake to the dysfunctional nature of the ongoing “pandemic” response frequently develop a fascination with the origins and drivers of the COVIDcrisis. In some, this can become obsessive.

To illustrate with one example, Senator Rand Paul is almost exclusively focused on getting to the bottom of the Wuhan Laboratory Cover-Up regarding the technical origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the roles of Dr. Anthony Fauci and colleagues (co-conspirators?) in sponsoring, guiding, and covering up the molecular virology engineering and subsequent release of the pathogen. Senator Paul and almost all of his colleagues in the Senate seemingly have no interest in the cascade of profoundly dysfunctional federal “public health” responses. The clear failure of congressional investigation and oversight concerning these issues indirectly serves to validate the implemented patterns and policies, virtually guaranteeing that the creeping (creepy?) authoritarian totalitarianism deployed in the name of “public health” will be repeated and expanded during future “crisis” responses.

Foreshadowed by Bill Gates and many others as dark mutterings concerning the inevitability of another “pandemic”, promptly and implausibly we now hear the drumbeats of corporate media, governmental and pharmaceutical industry fearporn concerning yet another set of named SARS-CoV-2 variants: Eris and Pirola.

And as if on cue, we have former FDA director and current Pfizer Board of Directors member Dr. Scott Gottleib talking up market capitalization for Pfizer. Dr. Gottleib has been promoting fear of these new variants without providing any specifics. In parallel, we learn that teams at Pfizer and Moderna have developed and tested (in rodent models) corresponding “booster” mRNA gene-therapy based products. And also on cue, once again the proven dysfunctional policy failures of paper masks and lockdowns are proposed and rationalized by none other than retired NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci in a recent interview.


During an appearance at a university virtual event titled, “Pandemic Lessons and Role of Faculty in Pandemic Preparedness with Dr. Anthony Fauci,” the former top federal health official spoke about the effectiveness of masks and of lockdowns when trying to force the public to get vaccinated. Fauci, who is now affiliated with Georgetown University, hailed lockdowns as a highly effective tool to forcibly “vaccinate” people.

Fauci defended his own actions while pushing false claims about the events during the Covid pandemic. He also used fear tactics to promote similar authoritarian measures being used again. Fauci falsely claimed that New York City was overrun with people dying of Covid. He claimed the city’s hospitals and morgues had “cooler trucks outside because they had no places to put the bodies.” “You had to have something to immediately shut down the tsunami of infection,” he argued in defense of lockdowns. “That lockdown was absolutely justified,” Fauci then declared. “Lockdown has a purpose,” he continued; “One of the purposes, if you don’t have a vaccine, it’s to get more ventilators, get the hospitals better prepared … until you decompress the pressure on the hospitals.”

If you have a vaccine available, you might want to lock down temporarily so you can get everybody vaccinated,” Fauci asserted. Fauci made the statement after noting that some people “did not want to get vaccinated.

Mask mandates have also been returning as reports emerge to suggest the Biden administration is planning to bring back COVID lockdowns next month.

This latest round of renewed COVIDcrisis fearporn has been deployed on top of another manufactured existential crisis: human activity-driven climate change, which is also proposed to be mitigated by lockdowns. Dr. Fauci also shared his insights into this topic during the same interview, calling for an “international commitment to decrease the carbon imprint in society so you don’t have the kinds of crazy weather we’re having in this country.” Fauci then tried to blame the wildfire tragedy in Maui on “climate change.” “It’s completely, really amazing what’s happened with climate change,” Fauci concluded regarding the fires.

And as if that is not enough promoted fear, we have the ongoing dark muttering about the risk of nuclear war with Russia consequent to the surrogate war in the Ukraine.

Foreign Affairs: Russia’s New Nuclear Normal

How the Country Has Grown Dangerously Comfortable Brandishing Its Arsenal

By Dmitry Adamsky

May 19, 2023


Putin ally claims West fails to ‘fully realize’ threat of nuclear war with Russia

Medvedev claims war in Ukraine could last 'decades' while Zelenskyy remains in power

By Caitlin McFall Fox News

Published May 26, 2023 10:17am EDT


'Greatest nuke threat from Russia in decades' brings MoD paper forward

The MoD's Defence Command Paper has been brought forward because the world has gone from being 'competitive' to 'contested and volatile', says Defence Secretary

By MAX CHANNON (for “Express”)

05:37, Wed, Jul 19, 2023 | UPDATED: 05:53, Wed, Jul 19, 2023

What do all of these promoted “threats” have in common? Each represents a potential “extinction boundary”. Each is a potential cause of global extinction of the human race.

From the very beginning, the COVIDcrisis has been hyped and promoted by a variety of sources as a potential extinction event- a crisis threat level which is completely inconsistent with the actual measured case fatality rate. And now “Climate Change” is being actively promoted as an existential crisis because it could lead to extinction of the human race - or at a minimum extinction of human existence as we know it. And the prospect of nuclear war is often presented as the granddaddy of all extinction boundaries.

Global corporate media has been collaborating with western governments to repeatedly promote chronic anxiety and fear of catastrophic extinction events consequent to infectious diseases, environmental disasters, energy depletion, and nuclear war for decades. The most profound form of fear mongering: promoting the fear of human extinction. And now we are experiencing a decade in which all of this fearporn is being accelerated and amplified to a dizzying pace by widespread deployment of military-grade psy-ops technologies on civilian populations via an alliance between corporate media and the western “five eyes” intelligence community. Fifth Generation warfare.

Those of us who are awake to this promoted fear are compelled to ask “Why”? It is increasingly difficult to conclude that this represents a rational, mature and balanced response to actual threats.

The answer appears to be that this is an exceptionally effective strategy for promoting a permanent “State of Exception”, a time-tested and proven administrative state ploy for facilitating introduction and acceptance of totalitarianism by the general population.

We all have a collective memory of prior extinction-level threats - “Black Death”, “Spanish Flu”, so many others, and since the dawn of recorded history these types of threats have been known to result in populations that readily suspend cultural norms and ethics. The “Plague of Athens” in 430 BC provides an excellent example of how otherwise well developed civilizations respond to such threats. Thucydides' account clearly details the complete disappearance of social morals during the time of the plague:

...the catastrophe was so overwhelming that men, not knowing what would happen next to them, became indifferent to every rule of religion or law.”

— Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War

Thucydides states that people ceased fearing the law since they felt they were already living under a death sentence. Likewise, people started spending money indiscriminately. Many felt they would not live long enough to enjoy the fruits of wise investment, while some of the poor unexpectedly became wealthy by inheriting the property of their relatives. It is also recorded that people refused to behave honorably because most did not expect to live long enough to enjoy a good reputation for it.

If you wish to tear down an existing civilization or culture, and to convince a population to suspend norms while enabling introduction of an authoritarian, totalitarian global governmental structure (ergo, “The Great Reset”), there is no better tool than to repeatedly stoke fear of extinction-level events. This will cause the populace to loose their ability to reason and to be able to perceive the gambit. They become more like emotional prey animals, readily herded, and no longer behave as autonomous thinking humans. “Fear is the mind killer”. Which fosters an environment in which those who believe that they, and they alone, are uniquely empowered and should become the “masters of the universe” because they are smarter and more capable than the rest of us.

And the established administrative bureaucratic tool often deployed to complete the task at hand is the “State of Exception”. Which is where all of this is leading.

More on that in the next blog essay.

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